Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

8 Little Luxuries That Go a Long Way

From nice soap to good food to quality kitchen gear and more, a few small splurges are sometimes all you need to make your life feel utterly luxurious.

8 DIY Backyard Home Improvements That Save You Big

Summer's around the corner, which means extra hours in the day for home improvement. Spruce up your backyard with a spiffy and affordable project.

The Many Benefits of DIY

Learning how to "do it yourself" doesn't just save you save from hiring someone. Discover how DIY can improve your finances, friendships, and more.

TurboTax: New features, and a chance to win a copy

The kind folks at Intuit have given us some free copies of TurboTax. I snagged one that I'm going to use to do my taxes, and once I'm done, I'll post a review and tell

Ask the Readers: What Aspect of Personal Finance Do You Want to Learn More About?

Tell us what aspects of personal finance you'd like to learn more about and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

15 Questions You Should Always Ask at the End of a Job Interview

You got the interview. You nailed the questions. Now, it's time to fire back a few questions of your own.

25 Gifts You Can Make Today

Have a last-minute celebration? There's still time to craft an affordable, meaningful homemade gift with one of these 25 awesome ideas.

How to Protect Your Retirement Account From a Hack

You know your bank account and credit card can get hacked. But are you forgetting to monitor your hard-earned retirement savings?

Yes, You Need "Fun Money" in Your Budget

Being frugal doesn't mean kissing fun goodbye. In fact, you should be budgeting for it!

This Is How Long These 6 Appliances Should Last

Major household appliances aren't cheap. Here's how long you can expect your investment to last.

10 Things I've Learned From Grocery Shopping on a Budget

Making and sticking to a grocery budget hasn't just helped our finances -- it's taught us a thing or two about money, food and life.

Would You Accept $200,000 If You Didn't Know Where It Came From?

You know, I hear a lot of people say that frugal people would do anything for dime. Personally, I think that applies more to greedy people, but it got me thinking of a question tha

The Ultimate Thrift Store: How Far Will You Go for a Bargain?

Do you brag about your thrift-store finds? You might be overpaying! Find out about "dump" thrift stores.

Why Your Group Life Insurance Is Not Enough

Group life insurance is a great employer-offered benefit. But, is it really enough?

12 Easy Ways to Win Over Your Neighbors

You don't get to pick your neighbors, so you might as well try to get along with them.

Bridging The Gap From Dining Out To Eating In

Feeling guilty about not having bridged the gap from dining out to cooking in? Don't. Follow my lead and I show you how to take baby steps from full-service to self-service.

Living Without A Landline

I had been thinking about shedding my landline for a while. I was attached to the convenience for a long time and, more recently, unlimited calls for one price in the United States

10 Ways to Keep Your Private Info Private

From your Facebook feed, to your mailbox — identity theft hides behind every corner. Make sure your privacy is protected.

How to Spring-Clean Your Debt

Spring is in the air! Time to make your debt repayment plan bloom.

How Paying Attention to Detail Saves Your Finances

One of the easiest ways to keep your finances on the up and up is to simply pay attention.