Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

8 Ways to Stay Upbeat on Your Job Hunt

Searching for a new job can be disheartening — stay positive and productive with these great tips.

6 Terrible Money Situations You Need to Stop Getting Yourself Into

Some money woes are unavoidable — but some are. It's high time to stop putting yourself in these terrible spending situations.

Best of Personal Finance: Dog Days of Summer Edition

Sell your Twitter account, lose weight and save money, learn to network (really, it helps), clear up your life in 5 minutes, couchsurf around the world, and more.

Free $10 on Amazon (or Why to Read Fine Print)

Want to get a free $10 on Last week I ordered some electronics on Amazon. There was a "special offer" for a free Wired magazine subscription. It turns out I could opt o

Ruthless Frugality

Put some thought into where really cheap stuff comes from.

5 Surprising Benefits Of: Naps (Including the Best Time to Take Them)

You already know that a midday power nap is good for productivity. Learn what else a nap is good for — and the best way to take one.

Best Credit Cards for Home & Kitchen Stores

Save more on home and kitchen goods with these store credit cards.

6 Little Ways to De-Stress (and Enjoy Life More)

Everybody's stressed — even you. Take the edge off with some simple, scientifically proven stress relievers.

Beyond Debt-Free: Getting By in the New Economy

Living debt-free is a great goal — but as the economy remains shaky, is that enough? Discover more ways to make sure you're on solid financial ground.

5 Refreshing Ways to Keep Cool On-the-Go

You shouldn't have to wait until you reach your destination to cool off. There are easy ways to embrace the chill on your journey, too.

Best Money Tips: How to Clean Everything in Your Home

Today we found some great articles on how to clean everything in your home, budget friendly hobbies, and the times you should always spend to save.

The New Grad's Guide to Debt Management

If you recently graduated college, there's a good chance you recently got that first student loan bill. Lost? We've got you covered.

Best Money Tips: Improve Your Life

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to improve your life, steps to take when you feel financially vulnerable, and when buying in bulk is more expensive.

Best Money Tips: How to Be On a Gameshow

Today we found some awesome articles on how to be on a gameshow, lifestyle changes that can help you travel more, and how to get rich.

Save Big With a Dream Wedding Overseas

A wedding in the U.S. can set you back the cost of a mid-size car. Combine your wedding with a romantic escape, and you can bring that down to economy.

Sayonara, Ramen-san

In honor Momofuku Ando, we look back on the delightfully frugal and delicious dish that is ramen.

Free movies rentals for life.

Forget Netflix and Hulu. The best place to get movie rentals is your local library — and it's totally free!

5 Ways Greece and China's Economic Problems Might Impact You

Economic turmoil in China and Greece is creating a ripple effect worldwide. Are you feeling with the fallout?

Best Money Tips: Frugal DIY Cleaning Projects

Today we found some fantastic articles on money-saving cleaning projects, what to do if you’re underpaid, and great household uses for Alka-Seltzer.

Best Money Tips: Avoid These Foolish Financial Moves

Today we found some great articles on foolish financial moves to avoid, healthy alternatives to unhealthy foods, and meditation techniques to end stress.