Tax day is fast approaching. Try one of these smart ways to save up cash over the next month, and max out your personal IRA contribution; it's a deduction!
Why do so few people live within walking--or at least bicycling--distance from where they work?
I've asked a lot of people this question and gotten a lot of different answers. Some people want big houses, others big lawns. [more]
Is it better to pay $100 per month extra on your mortgage or make an extra payment at the end of each year? It depends on your loan balance and interest rate.
Two weeks after my husband had gotten a glowing performance review and his manager sent care packages for all our of our kids, he was told over the phone at a client meeting that h
Depending on how old you are, your mother or grandmother probably had one of these: a pressure cooker. (She probably also had a story of one exploding, which may be why they're n
My introduction to David Bach was when I saw him speak at a financial conference a few years ago. He told an interesting story about a couple who came in for a consultation with hi
You drive and drink responsibly, spend your money responsibly, and act responsibly, don’t you? But do you invest responsibly? Can you invest responsibly?
Wise Bread articles that are hot today.
7 Ways to Max Out Your IRA Contributions by April 15th
Tax day is fast approaching. Try one of these smart ways to save up cash over the next month, and max out your personal IRA contribution; it's a deduction!
11 Ways to Incorporate Video into Your Business
The Internet has driven down many business costs, including the cost of delivering your message via video.
17 Ways Your House Can Earn a Paycheck
Looking for a unique way to pad your bottom line? Put your house to work earning extra income.
How the Fair Credit Reporting Act Protects You
The Fair Credit Reporting Act exists to protect you. Here's everything you need to know about it.
4 Signs You Should Sell Your Small Business
Your small business is your baby. When is the right time to let it go?
DIY - Silk Flower Brooch
In true Wise Bread fashion, learn how to make flower brooches yourself and save big.
How to Ease into Credit Card Rewards After Debt Repayment
You've conquered a mountain of debt. Congrats! Before you go right back to using credit cards again, learn how to proceed with caution.
Dangerous neighborhoods are safer than commuting
Why do so few people live within walking--or at least bicycling--distance from where they work? I've asked a lot of people this question and gotten a lot of different answers. Some people want big houses, others big lawns. [more]
6 Ways to Celebrate a Raise Without Spending It All
When you get a raise, it's tempting to go all out and celebrate. You can still do that — without spending all your new hard-earned dollars.
What's Faster for Mortgage Payoff: $100/Month Extra or 1 Payment/Year Extra?
Is it better to pay $100 per month extra on your mortgage or make an extra payment at the end of each year? It depends on your loan balance and interest rate.
The Joy of Disconnecting
Technology can be helpful, wonderful...and incessant. Discover why it's important to put the smartphone down and take a break.
4 Affordable Destinations That Are Safer Than You Think
These four international destinations have dark reputations, but these days they're relatively safe, and absolutely affordable.
Live Like There's No Tomorrow
Two weeks after my husband had gotten a glowing performance review and his manager sent care packages for all our of our kids, he was told over the phone at a client meeting that h
10 Genius Ways to Store Toys
Toys are fun to play with, but not much fun to look at. Luckily these clever toy storage solutions put the style back in after-playtime.
How to Travel Internationally With Your Kids
Traveling with your kids in tow can get expensive and chaotic. Here's how to minimize the costs, and the frustration.
Save time, money, energy, and eat great
Depending on how old you are, your mother or grandmother probably had one of these: a pressure cooker. (She probably also had a story of one exploding, which may be why they're n
The Retirement Latte
My introduction to David Bach was when I saw him speak at a financial conference a few years ago. He told an interesting story about a couple who came in for a consultation with hi
Socially Responsible Investing Goes Green
You drive and drink responsibly, spend your money responsibly, and act responsibly, don’t you? But do you invest responsibly? Can you invest responsibly?
Best Money Tips: When Is the Best Time to Buy a Car?
Today we found articles on the best time to buy a car, ways to make the most of your time and money, and how to handle sentimental clutter.
50+ Unique Gift Ideas for Men
The picky guy in your life may seem like he already has it all, but we bet he'd still love some of these thoughtful gifts!