Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Make These 5 Money Moves Before You Travel Abroad

International travel requires a lot of research and planning beyond how to pack and which excursions to book. This checklist can help you prepare financially for your trip.

Borrowing from Friends: The Friendship Killer

Friendships are regularly damaged or lost from loans going sour. These are loans that were given and received with the best of intentions, yet few friendships can bear this pressur

7 Occasions When You Should Definitely Hire a Financial Advisor

It's great to be able to DIY your money, but some jobs require the skills of a pro. Be the smart about when to seek professional financial advice.

5 Reasons Not to Delete Your Emails

One writer has found that keeping her emails has saved her time, frustration, and recently, over $300. Discover why a full inbox can be a good thing.

Use These 8 Credit Card Perks to Save Big and Have More Fun on Your Summer Vacation

Looking for a way to simplify your summer vacation plans? Look no further than your credit card.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Tips for Back-to-School Shopping?

Tell us your tips for back-to-school shopping and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Here's What I Learned About Money After Using Acorns

I've never been good with money. But in just three months of using Acorns, I've gotten a whole lot better.

10 Economy-Based Games That Make You Think

These games are high on strategy, and you may learn a thing or two about how the economy works.

Refinance These 4 Common Debts Before Year Ends

Get the jump on your New Year's debt resolution. Refinance these four loans by December 31st!

5 Things Your Financial Planner Isn't Telling You About Retirement

Relying too much on your financial planner may be costing you. Make sure you retire the smart way, with your interests at the forefront — and not your adviser's.

Here's How Boomers and Millennials Are Creating Winners on the Stock Market

Boomers and millennials have one thing in common: Their financial habits can move markets.

10 Basic Manners You Must Teach Your Kids

No, etiquette is not dead! Help your little ones get ahead by teaching them these basic manners.

11 Ways Cycling Can Save You Money

Pedal yourself to big savings by taking to two wheels. You'll enjoy the wind in your hair, the extra dough in your pockets, and some easy fitness.

This Japanese Budgeting System Could Be the Key to Saving Big Bucks

In Japan, saving money is a big deal. Here's the simple system many households use to hang onto more of their yen.

The 5 Worst Pieces of Financial Advice Your Friends Give You

Have you been listening to any of this advice from your friends? If you have, you need to stop right now.

4 Ways to Keep Envy From Ruining Your Retirement Investments

Envy is a mega-danger to your finances. The green-eyed monster can even ruin your investments.

5 Killer Free Investment Tools

If you want to increase your investing knowledge, you don't need to pay the big bucks — just delve into these free resources.

Should You Make Your Young Kids Pay "Rent?"

A viral Facebook post has parents everywhere wondering: Should you charge your young kids rent?

How to Tackle Your Summer Vacation Credit Card Debt

Spent a little too much money while on vacation this summer? We've all been there. Here's how to tackle it, manage it, and then defeat it.

20 Money Mistakes Everyone Makes But No One Talks About

When a finance blunder make you cringe, you're not alone. We're all guilty of some of these money mistakes.