Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Manage Student Loans On a Low Income

Juggling student loan payments with other bills can sometimes seem impossible if you're making a low salary. But it can be done.

The 5 Best Stay-At-Home Fitness Essentials

With local gyms and parks closed, you'll need to get creative if you want to maintain your regular workouts. Luckily, a few key items will help you set up the perfect home gym.

15 Ways to Make Money on Halloween

Instead of spending money on a costume and decor, why not make a little extra cash this Halloween? Don't be afraid of a little side hustle!

5 Ways Longevity Is Changing Retirement Planning (And What to Do About It)

Americans are living longer than ever. They need retirement planning that sees them through.

5-Minute Finance: Track Your Spending

Tired of living paycheck to paycheck? It's time to start tracking your spending. All it takes is five minutes.

Highest Paying Jobs for People Who Love Kids

Working with kids requires a big heart and a lot of patience. But it doesn't necessarily require a small paycheck.

6 Ways a Donald Trump Presidency Could Impact Your Wallet

Donald Trump is making a buzz with his stances on everything, including money matters. How would his presidency affect your finances?

17 Uses for Stale Bread

Using up leftover bread is not only frugal, it's delicious. Make sure you eat every last crumb of that aging loaf with these recipes.

10 Things to Know Before You Start a Home Improvement Project

Don't take a hammer to that wall you want to tear down until you consider these things first.

8 Startling Facts That Will Make You Want to Invest

Having trouble taking the plunge into investing? These eye-opening facts may shock you into action.

This Simple Negotiating Trick Puts Money in Your Pocket

This simple negotiating tactic can help you earn and save more money — and it can do a whole lot more for you, too.

How to Make Money as a Superfan

Being a superfan can be kind of costly. Flip your fandom on its head and make it a cash source, instead!

4 Affordable Destinations That Are Safer Than You Think

These four international destinations have dark reputations, but these days they're relatively safe, and absolutely affordable.

Everything You Need to Know About Flood Insurance

When it rains, it pours — and when it does, that flood insurance you've hated paying for will seem like a pretty smart investment.

How to Profit From China's Growing Upper Class — Even If You Don't Speak Chinese

China's population of millionaires is booming. Job opportunities for the rest of us are booming, too!

How These 6 Assets Might Affect Student Financial Aid Eligibility

Financial aid is a huge help for every college student. Let's break down exactly what the FAFSA considers in its calculation.

The 5 Best Backpacks

You have things you need to carry at all times, and a painless way to do so. Get any of these five backpacks and your stuff will always be taken care of.

7 Ways to Tell If That Used Car Used to Be an Uber

Uber and Lyft drivers sell their cars just like the rest of us. Here's how to tell if you're about to buy one.

How to Keep Home Improvement Projects From Busting Your Budget

You might have a set home improvement budget, but scope creep can easily bust it wide open. Here's how to prevent that.

10 Ways to Repair a Burned Bridge

We've all ended a work or personal relationship badly. Mend a broken connection and you'll regain a valued friend or a colleague -- forever this time.