Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Must-Have Tools for the DIY Life

Today we found articles on must-have tools for households that like to DIY, food items you should stop buying and make instead, and beginner tips for raising backyard chickens.

10 Repairs That Aren't Your Landlord's Responsibility

One of the best things about renting is that most problems aren't yours — they're the landlord's. But not these.

10 Ways to Avoid Germs on Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

Public transportation can get awfully germy. Make sure you protect yourself from those grimy surfaces.

How Reflecting on Possessions Can Help You Resist Impulse Buys

The key to resisting impulse buys could be as simple as thinking about items you already own.

7 Easy Ways to Clean Up Your Image on Social Media

If you're worried about your reputation on social media ruining your future, here's how to clean it up in a flash.

What to Do If Your Paycheck Bounces

You got an "insufficient funds" memo from a much-needed paycheck. Don't panic: Here's how to make sure you get paid.

Should You Refinance Your Student Loan?

Student loan borrowers have lots of repayment options, including a growing number of refinance options. Here's what to look for.

15 Delicious Ways to Prepare a Humble Head of Cabbage

A staple in frugal pantries the world over, cabbage is full of nutrients, low in pesticides, and inexpensive. Add cabbage to your diet with one of these classic preparations.

6 Ways Having Your Groceries Delivered Can Save You Money

Believe it or not, having your groceries delivered right to your door can also save you big bucks.

The 3 Rules Every Mediocre Investor Must Know

The surprising truth is that mediocre investing advice is probably right for you. Learn about the basics.

The 5 Best Label Makers

Staying organized isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these label makers and your stuff will never get lost.

9 Ways to Vet Your New Employer

Your potential new employer wants to know everything about you. Do you know everything you need to know about them?

Get Free Hotel Stays with Wyndham's Best Rate Guarantee

Yesterday my super cheap ex-boyfriend told me that I would be proud of him.

10 Easy Plumbing Repairs That Don't Require a Plumber

Tired of paying for plumbing repairs? A plumbing industry veteran shares 10 easy repairs that don't require an expensive visit from the plumber.

3 Things You Should Know About Rental Car Insurance

Your rented set of wheels comes with a laundry list of optional insurance coverage. Should you take it?

How to Earn Extra Money Driving for Uber or Lyft

The sharing economy is disrupting business models and creating extra income for millions. Here's all you need to get your piece of the rideshare pie.

The Best Ways to Invest $50, $500, or $5000

Whether your windfall is a crisp $50 bill or a few thousand smackers, you can invest it wisely for the best long term payoff. Here's how.

11 Delicious Dishes You Can Make With a Can of Tomato Soup

A can of tomato soup can go a long way. Take yours beyond a bowl of soup with these delicious and clever recipe ideas.

Should You Finance a Tiny Home With a Credit Card?

The relatively low price of tiny homes makes nearly any financing option a possibility, including credit cards. But should you go that route?

6 Ways to Save Money on Eyeglasses

Before you fork out big dollars, read our tips for saving big on your eye care expenses!