Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Basic Manners You Must Teach Your Kids

No, etiquette is not dead! Help your little ones get ahead by teaching them these basic manners.

Entrepreneurs Versus Managers: Which are You?

Entrepreneur or manager? Either can build successful businesses. You've just got to know which one you are.

How to Improve Your Memory (and Even Get a Little Smarter)

Whether you want to guard against dementia or just get better at remembering your grocery list, these suggestions will help you boost your brain power.

10 Smart Things to Do With $25

They say $25 can't buy you a lot these days. Well, "they" are not always correct. Check out this list for 10 great, useful ways to spend that cash.

Guess What? Your Bank Rewards May be Taxable

Credit card and bank rewards may be taxable depending on how they're earned. Find out how these rewards are treated, and if you'll be on the hook for taxes.

Get your PC to give you coffee, bacon or even an orgasm.

As a frugal shopper, I like to make my products work hard. [more]

Decked out in... dog? More reasons to boycott Chinese goods

Thinking of boycotting Chinese goods? I know I've been pondering it for a while, but I'm definitely struggling with the idea, knowing how hard it will be. Here's something that mig

8 Alternative Ways to Cook Outside

There are still a few more scorching weeks of summer left, and if you can't take the heat in the kitchen, get out. No, really.

The $40 Hidden Inside a 12V Battery

This battery hack that will save you roughly $40 on those 1.5V button cell batteries. All you need is a 2-pack of 12V A23 batteries.

Job hunting: What is your dutch wife?

When I was in college, I worked in the computer center. When my boss wanted to hire a new operator, he asked a couple of us to go over resumes. That experience, which gave me som

Personal Finance Lessons from Online Adventure Game (RuneScape)

A friend shared with me some strategies he's learned for playing RuneScape. Can these strategies be applied to personal finance? Let's see.

Best Money Tips: Food Items You Should Stop Buying and Start Making

Today we found some great articles on food items you should stop buying and start making, being a charismatic leader, and surviving unemployment.

6 Dumb Things Employment Recruiters See People Do

This former employment recruiter saw job applicants make a lot of stupid mistakes. Here's what to avoid if you want to get hired.

My groceries are killing me: easier ways to shop

I don't know about you, but I hate grocery shopping. I hate it even when I get to shop at fun places, like Trader Joe's or Whole Foods. It takes so much time, and I never k

10 Smart Household Uses for Rope

Rope is so versatile for holding things in place, but you can also use it for great home decor, too. Get your knot on!

Why is Gasoline So Cheap? A Cost Comparison of 40 Common Household Liquids

Do you know which is more expensive: one gallon of gasoline or one gallon of orange juice? How about one gallon of glue? Read on for a comparison of the price gasoline and other f

$9 Fares at Spirit Airlines – But is it a Bargain?

Airfare for less than $50 makes me a little giddy, even though I haven’t left the state in over 2 years. So I had to do a double-take on the Red L

Best Money Tips: Find the Best Prepaid Plan

Today we found some fantastic articles on finding the best prepaid plan, common missed fees you need to avoid, and dealing with difficult work personalities.

Control Your Debt With an Annual Clean Sweep

Do you use credit to manage cash flow fluctuations or to live beyond your means? Here's a simple, practical test for keeping your debt under control.

403B vs. 401K: How Are They Different?

Sure, you know what a 401K is, but what the heck is a 403B? Here's how they differ.