Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

4 Ways HSBC's Shady Schemes Helped the Rich Avoid Taxes

Giant bank HSBC was caught helping the world's one-percenters avoid taxes and other currency controls. Find out how they did it.

Best Money Tips: Things You Shouldn't Pay For

Today we found some awesome articles on things you shouldn't pay for, ways to get out of debt, and last minute summer staycation ideas.

Best Money Tips: Money Saving Tips For Parents

Today we found some awesome articles on money saving tips for parents, negotiating the raise you deserve, and alternative college housing options.

27 Money-Saving Tips from Successful Small Businesses

In economic conditions rich or lean, these tried and true cost cutting tips can fatten your bottom line.

Best Money Tips: Save and Shop Smart

Today we found some great articles on saving and shopping smart, tips for shopping consignment sales, and career lessons from Julia Child.

7 Foods Scientifically Proven to Make You Happier

Self-medicating with junk food doesn't work, but some foods really can boost your mood. Dig into these dishes and feel better in body and spirit.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Make Thanksgiving Fun

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to make Thanksgiving fun, investments that protect you from inflation, and resume writing tips.

Cleanse And Organize Your Inbox In 10 Simple Steps

If your inbox has mastered you, try these ten tricks to regain control.

Use Systems To Save Time And Money

For business tasks you dread or commonly avoid, build task management systems to help you stop procrastinating and free you to work where your skills matter most.

Stocking the Perfect Love Nest

Plan a romantic date night in with a little attention to detail.

Best Money Tips: How to Get More Out of Your Job

Today we found articles on how to get more out of your job, college skills that will serve you well outside the classroom, and simple ways to be less addicted to your smartphone.

10 Barbecue Hacks to Master This Summer

You'll reach Grillmaster status with these simple tricks for healthier, tastier, and easier barbecuing this summer. Get outside and cook!

Best Money Tips: How to Spot Common Medical Billing Mistakes

Today we found articles on how to spot common medical billing errors, using momentum to get out of a mental rut, and money questions to ask your partner this Valentine’s Day.

Best Money Tips: Teaching Teens About Money

Today we found some fantastic articles on teaching teens about money, sticking to a budget, and actions for a real money making blog.

4GB Compact Flash Card - $37.50 inc. S&H

A 4GB flash card for under $40, shipped? Yup, it's a deal. Grab it while you can. [more]

Best Money Tips: Simple Ways to Save More, Worry Less

Today we found some great articles on ways to save more and worry less, essential steps to take before a job interview, and what you need to know about using your phone abroad.

Saving money for kids made easy (NOT) by banks

Last week, I closed a no-maintenance-fee account because I was charged a hefty you-haven’t-deposited-any-money-lately fee a/k/a dormant account fee. [more]

Best Money Tips: Should You Discuss Money in Front of Your Kids?

Today we found some awesome articles on discussing money in front of your kids, ways to make $50 in a day, and ways to get out of debt.

Best Money Tips: Frugal Ways to Enjoy the Beach

Today we found some fantastic articles on frugal ways to enjoy the beach, deciding where to live, and networking boo-boos.

Home Details I Overlooked the First Time

If you're in the market for a new home (new to you or new period), make sure you aren't paying premium prices for so-so materials, and don't underestimate the expenses and headache