Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: What Winter Savings Tip Do You Swear By?

It's here! Fall has arrived, and with it reports of frost, breezy evenings, and *gasp* snow! If you're not already thinking ahead to how you'll ever pay that ominous heating bill

Ask the Readers: What Money Animal Are You? (Chance to win $20!)

We want to know what animal you are most like. Do you "squirrel" money away? Are you wasteful like an (insert wasteful animal parallel here)? Let us know what creature

November 11: The Last Free National Park Day of the Year

Plan a final outdoor adventure for 2011, and discover how to get free entrance to parks year-round.

5 Ways to Detox for Fall Without an Expensive Juice Cleanse

Juice cleanses are all the rage, but they're little more than sugary hype. Save your pennies and feel better for fall with these simple "cleanses."

The Paper Records You Need — And Those You Can Do Without

As a business owner, there are certain documents that you just have to have, but you can easily wind up with more files than you have room for. So how do you know what to get ri

It's Not Revenue If You Can't Collect It

There's nothing worse than having to chase down slow-paying customers. Oh wait, there is something worse: the ones who don't pay at all.

10 Unusual Ways to Cut Costs in the Office

The expenses that go with operating an office feel like they're very set, but if you're willing to think outside the box, there are some ways to reduce the money you spend.

How to Become the Richest Man in Poughkeepsie

Accumulating real wealth is actually much simpler than most people believe.

Burn More Calories With These 8 Frugal Foods

While the title "superfood" is usually reserved for nutritional foods, any snack that aids in weight loss is super, too. Like these — try some!

7 Essentials For A Great Social Media Strategy

Cover these basics and in no time your social media marketing will start turning clicks into customers.

Timely Tax Tips for Small Business Owners

Is it tax time again already? Three experts share tips and advice about getting through tax season unscathed.

Get More for Your Old Treadmill by Bartering

If you have exercise equipment you're thinking of selling, hold up — you might be able to get more value for it by bartering.

Are You Ready for Home Ownership?

My husband and I just moved to the Great Northwest, and we batted around the idea of purchasing our first home. [more]

Orange Makes You Buy More (and Other Sneaky Store Smell Tricks)

The smell of freshly bread wafting through the grocery might be more than just a scent — it could be part of a calculated plan to make you to spend more.

Ask the Readers: Do You Take Surveys?

Tell us whether you take surveys and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Ask the Readers: How Do You Work Exercise Into Your Day?

Tell us how you work exercise into your day and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Books on Uncle Sam's Shelf

I get free books in the mail every year. I don't have to review them, pay postage or do anything else with them. Uncle Sam sends them to me because I ask for them. These publicatio

Ask the Readers: What Money-Saving Activity Do You Enjoy the Most?

Tell us about the money-saving activity that you enjoy the most and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Follow Your Frugal Bliss

Sometimes reading about frugal phenoms can be discouraging instead of inspiring. The lady who raises her own laying hens on her balcony, the family that gets hundreds of dollars in

Make Your Own Self-tanning Lotion and 5 Other Fabulous DIY Tips from the Web

Surprisingly simple, and totally affordable, this roundup of quick and easy recipes, tips, and hacks are sure to inspire. Create your own self-tanning lotion, never waste rice aga