Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

20 Ways to Live Large in a Small Space

Clutter piles up fast and eats up your square footage — especially if you live in a small space. Make the most of the space you have with these simple space makers.

5 Reasons to Use Your Outdoor Furniture -– Inside

I purchased a lovely outdoor furniture set this year for my future patio. The problem was that the patio never got built. Our solution? Bring it inside. Here are the five reasons w

Best Money Tips: Eco-Friendly Ways to Travel

Today we found articles on eco-friendly ways to travel, pitfalls to watch for if you’re 65 and still working, and practical minimalist tips for beginners.

Ask the Readers: What Helps You Be More Productive?

Tell us what helps you be more productive and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

A Restaurant Where You Pay What You Can Afford For The Meal?

It sounds like something out a movie, but it’s actually right out of Denver, my home city. And this wonderful idea is not only incredibly innovative and generous, it’s also working

5 Friend Types That Can Hurt Your Finances

Your friends can affect your finances for better or worse. Find out which money personalities to watch out for.

9 Questions You Should Ask Before Hiring a Robo-Adviser

Robots are taking all the jobs — even the money manager's. Before you let a bot manage your nest egg, make sure it knows what it's doing.

10 Fun Money Reads to Take to the Beach

Off to the beach and need something to read? Don't leave home without one of these 10 wise and witty reads about money.

8 Ways to Buy Jeans on the Cheap

You don't have to spend half a paycheck on a nice pair of jeans. Cheap, stylish, and well-fitting jeans exist. You just have to know where to look.

8 Signs You're Paying Too Much for Your Mortgage

If home sweet home is sapping your savings, you're likely paying too much for your mortgage.

10 Countries Where Banks Pay Crazy Interest Rates

If you think the interest rates of American banks are wacky, wait until you take a look at rates in these other countries.

How to Invest in Mutual Funds

Mutual funds have long been and easy way to invest in a broad range of securities. Here's how to get started!

How to Get a Great Seat on Southwest

Southwest won't charge you a baggage fee, and they won't let you choose your seat during booking. Here's to find the best seat possible when you board.

Should There Be a "Fat Tax" on Junk Food?

Yes. Well, that's just my humble opinion, but I really don't see why this has so many people throwing their arms up in the air with shock. We tax liquor and cigarettes, neither of

How to Talk to Friends and Family About Money (Without Making Everyone Mad)

Most of us would rather get a tooth pulled than talk about money with friends and family. Here's how to make the money talk painless.

The Travel Hacking Cartel: Fly Around the World For Almost Free

Here are some tips on how to fly around the world for free (or almost free, anyway), along with some resources to help you do it.

28 Ways to Never Pay Full Price for Anything

Before you spend one cent on anything today, arm yourself with proven strategies that will help you avoid paying full price ever again.

Using Your Roth IRA as an Emergency Fund — Ever a Good Idea?

You know you need an emergency fund, but you just don't have one. When "disaster" strikes, where can you turn for fast cash? Your Roth IRA can help.

When Dropping Your Life Insurance Is the Right Decision

You know how important it is to have life insurance. But when is it OK to drop it?

Where to Invest Your Money After You've Maxed Out Your Retirement Account

You've done an unbelievable job of saving for retirement. Does this mean you're done stashing money away? Not quite.