Is your student-loan debt causing stress, influencing you to make financial decisions that are not necessarily in your best long-term interests, and delaying your entry into what your parents [more]
When I advocate for frugal living, people sometimes ask, "What if everybody lived like that? Wouldn't it hurt the economy?" My natural inclination toward frugal liv
You drive and drink responsibly, spend your money responsibly, and act responsibly, don’t you? But do you invest responsibly? Can you invest responsibly?
If you've thought about switching to a standing desk but have been put off by the price (or the appearance), consider this collection of affordable, attractive designs.
Starting a freelance career is daunting, but this collection of apps and online services will take the fear out of invoicing, file storage, and a lot more!
Wise Bread articles that are hot today.
Stopping the Student-Loan Debt Stress
Is your student-loan debt causing stress, influencing you to make financial decisions that are not necessarily in your best long-term interests, and delaying your entry into what your parents [more]
7 Financial Steps to Take in Your 20s That Will Safeguard Your Future
If you're in your 20s and can make any or all of these money moves, your future will indeed be bright.
Does living frugally hurt the economy?
When I advocate for frugal living, people sometimes ask, "What if everybody lived like that? Wouldn't it hurt the economy?" My natural inclination toward frugal liv
No Hassle: Capital One Cash Rewards Card
A miserly 1% cash back isn’t great, but several other attractive features make this card a good choice, especially for world travelers.
Should You Buy a Car With a Credit Card?
With the right strategy, financing your new ride with plastic can be a smart money move.
Who Really Owns Your Digital Assets?
In the modern era, assets are not always tangible things. What do you do with your digital goods when you pass on?
The 5 Charitable Donations That Do the Most Good
If you've got some money to spare, why not consider a donation? These five charities are proven to put your generosity to the best possible use.
5-Minute Finance: Start an Emergency Fund
It can take years to recoup from a financial emergency. But it only takes five minutes to set up an emergency fund.
Socially Responsible Investing Goes Green
You drive and drink responsibly, spend your money responsibly, and act responsibly, don’t you? But do you invest responsibly? Can you invest responsibly?
10 Ways to Improve Your Decision-Making Skills
Whether it's something as big as a career move or as small as what you're having for dinner, follow these tips to help make great decisions.
11 Attractive Standing Desks You Can Actually Afford
If you've thought about switching to a standing desk but have been put off by the price (or the appearance), consider this collection of affordable, attractive designs.
6 Decorative Plants You Can Eat, Too
Kill two birds with one stone by stocking both your garden and your pantry with these gorgeous edible plants.
16 Time and Money Saving Apps for Freelancers
Starting a freelance career is daunting, but this collection of apps and online services will take the fear out of invoicing, file storage, and a lot more!
10 Ways to Save Money When You Are Unemployed
It's always good to be mindful about spending, but for the unemployed, an abstract should is a real world must. Here's how to cut back, fast.
10 Spa Treatments You Can Do at Home
You don't need to empty your wallet at the spa to enjoy facials, manicures, and more. Discover 10 luxurious treatments you can do on your own.
5 Things to Do Right Now to Boost Your 600 Credit Score
A 600 credit score isn't bad, exactly, but it's not terrific, either. Here's what you can do to improve it.
6 Things You Must Do After the Interview to Land the Job
You might've nailed the interview, but to land the job, you need something more. Your job search isn't over until the big offer arrives.
Ask the Readers: Would You Rather Rent or Buy a Home?
Tell us if you would rather rent or buy a home and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!
Retire for Half the Cost in These 5 Countries
Help your retirement funds go twice as far by retiring in one of these beautiful locales abroad. They're almost too cheap to be true!
The Easiest Way to Invest in the World's Biggest Companies
You don't need thousands of dollars to buy high-priced stock — really!