Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Free movie rental from Hollywood Video

This deal is about as simple as they get. So grab a bag or two of your favorite popcorn, browse through the aisles of your local Hollywood Video and pick up a video rental on the h

Hostels vs Hotels: Choosing the Perfect Place to Stay Within your Budget

Most people think that the frugal way to travel is to stay in hostels. However there are a number of scenarios where that may not be the case. Read on for some tips on how to

4 Ways Being a Safe Driver Will Save You Big Money

As if you needed another reason to be a safe driver, it'll save you big bucks, too.

Tips For Starting (Or Jumpstarting) Your Exercise Regimen

How are your resolutions to get fit, exercise more, and lose weight going? If you need a nudge or some encouragement, check out my doable-with-a-busy-schedule approach to getting r

SpringCoin to Pay Off $500 Debt for One Lucky Wise Bread Reader

SpringCoin is also giving away free lifetime debt management accounts valued at $96 per year!

The Benefits of a Walkable Neighborhood

Are you able to walk to your daily necessities from where you live? Or do you drive everywhere? Discover how walkable your neighborhood is and see if you can use your car less.

Everything You Need to Know About Switching to the Cash Only Lifestyle

If seeing your spending helps you stick to budget, a cash system may be the answer you need. Here's how to make the switch to cash and carry.

Best Money Tips: 7 Phases to Retirement

Today we found some great articles on phases to retirement, productivity tips for freelancers, and stress-free frugality.

The Gen X Last-Minute-Get-Creative Xmas Present Alternative

Does nothing in the mall or your craft book seem like it will please the discerning taste of the Gen-Xer on your Christmas list? Don't want to spend a lot on them anyway? Consider

What you can do to aid the conversion to digital TV

The conversion from analog TV to digital TV was scheduled to happen on February 17th, but now it seems like it will be delayed due to various issues with the coupon program and gen

The 5 Best Tablet Computers

Lightweight and powerful, tablets are a great option whether you're looking for a portable computer or an e-reader. Read on to learn which one you should get.

Best Money Tips: Raise Your Kids and Save Money, Too

Your precious little ones bring so much joy, so much fulfillment, and so much credit card debt. This week in Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup, we explore ways to save money

Obama Eases Treasury Costs with At-Home Money Printing Stimulus

Everyone is feeling the economic crunch these days, and that includes the Treasury department. It’s no news to anyone here that there has been increasing unhappiness with President

How do you spend money to save time?

It's a — pardon the expression — timeless saying: "You can always make more money, but you can't make more time." The staunch followup to that tends to be that you can make better

This Tool Might Convince Your Boss to Let You Work From Home

Telecommuters are up to 55% more productive and save employers $11,000 a year. Show your boss the facts and start working from home today.

7 Ways to Help Protect Your Financial Future From Unexpected Medical Expenses

Every 7 seconds a working-age American suffers a disabling injury that leaves him financially vulnerable. Are you prepared?

Here's How Brexit Could Affect Your Travel Plans

With Britain planning to divorce the EU, many things are up in the air — including some of your travel plans.

You Are Too Busy: Stop!

When you're really busy — too busy — everything suffers, including your health and your family life. Slow down so you can keep going.

Stupid Tax Return Mistakes That Will Get You Audited

Even if you're using tax preparation software or a service, you may find yourself caught in an audit if you commit any of these costly mistakes.

Best Money Tips: Make Your Mornings Better

Today we found some stellar articles on ways to make your mornings better, increasing your chances of home business success, and protecting your wallet and energy bill.