Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Easy Ways to Protect Your Debit Card From Skimmers

Swiping without a second thought is an easy way to fall victim to debit card skimmers.

7 Little White Lies That Can Save You Money

Sometimes it's OK to fudge the truth in the name of saving money.

How to Deal With a Partner Who Is Too Controlling With Money

Conversations about money are never fun in relationships, but they're very necessary. And when one partner is getting too controlling, here's how to deal.

8 Ways to Save Money When You Can't Really Afford To

Saving money seems impossible when you're living paycheck to paycheck, but there's still a way to make it work.

How to Decide What to Keep When Downsizing

When you're clearing out the clutter, make sure these items stick around.

5 Bodily Fluids You Can Exchange for Cash

If you're fit and healthy and don't mind some hassle and probing questions, you can earn extra income selling little vials of medical grade you.

Bottled Water, Bottled Hype Part 1

When we buy bottled water, especially bottled water from overseas (like Fiji), we're deciding against using that we have immediate access to, something that pours freely into o

9 Creative Ways to Boost Your Retirement Savings

Having some trouble coming up with cash for your nest egg? It's time to think outside the box.

5 Steps to Getting a Free (or Close to Free) Vacation in 9 Months or Less with Credit Cards

Here is a step by step plan to earn enough credit card rewards for a free vacation in 9 months or less.

Stop Losing Your Stuff With These 6 Simple Tricks

Tired of misplacing your keys around the house? Get smart about how you store and use your stuff, and everything lost is always found.

7 Common Travel Myths That People Need to Stop Believing

You've always wanted to travel more, but you worry about the cost or the risks or the inconvenience. Good news -- your worries are probably unfounded.

How to Use Airline Shopping Portals to Cash In On Rewards

Airline shopping portals can help you earn thousands of miles each year, without getting on an airplane.

Choose the Best Travel Rewards Credit Card with this Guide

Choosing the right travel rewards credit card doesn't have to be complicated. Here's a simple guide to get you on the right track.

7 Work-From-Home Jobs for People Who Hate Talking on the Phone

Love the idea of working from home, but hate the idea of talking on the phone? Don't worry. There are plenty of remote jobs out there for you.

8 Quotes to Inspire Your Dream Career

If your current pays-the-bills job isn't your dream career, this collection of wisdom just might give you the push you need to find more joyful work.

12 Money-Saving Tricks to Know Before Buying an Engagement Ring

Impress the love of your life with a beautiful symbol of your devotion — while saving some green in the process.

15 Alternative Uses for Nail Polish

Nail polish makes fingers and toes pop with brilliant color — but it can also do a whole lot more. Discover the many uses for the product in those tiny bottles.

11 Budgeting Skills Everyone Should Master

Stop dreading the "b-word." Mastering these simple budgeting skills will put you on the path to financial wellbeing.

10 Home DIY Projects You Can Do in One Day

A one-day DIY project can spruce up your home and give you a sense of accomplishment without the time commitment of a bigger project.

8 Networking Tips for Introverts

Many careers require you get out there and meet clients, vendors, and potential colleagues. But what if that's really, really not your thing?