Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Local Branding: Make Your Company Part of the Community

Being seen as a valuable member of your local community can keep you in mind for prospective customers or clients in a way that many other branding strategies can't.

Best Money Tips: Green Habits of Thrifty People

Today we found some great articles on the green habits of thrifty people, how to be more productive with the 10 minute rule, and why restaurants don’t want you to order dessert.

5 Ways to Earn More Every Week

Pursue a few modest sales and marketing efforts each week and by year's end you'll enjoy a healthier bottom line.

Best Money Tips: How to Be On a Gameshow

Today we found some awesome articles on how to be on a gameshow, lifestyle changes that can help you travel more, and how to get rich.

Haircuts to Dentistry and More: Get Low-Cost Services From Students

Want to spend less on haircuts, massages, car repairs, or even dentistry? You can. Just visit a training school.

Best Money Tips: Overlooked Ways to Avoid a Speeding Ticket

Today we found some great articles on overlooked ways to avoid a speeding ticket, creative beer pairings to try, and a guide to online coupon codes.

Best Money Tips: Tips for Working While Traveling

Today we found some awesome articles on tips for working while traveling, negotiating for a better deal, and tax strategies for salaried employees.

Opening a Roth IRA for Your Kid

The Roth IRA can be a fantastic way to kick-start your child's retirement savings — and help protect some of your money from taxes.

Is Your Emergency Fund Costing You Money?

Yes, we're always telling you to work on building your emergency fund. Now we'll tell you when to stop.

Simple-Living Lessons I Learned From "Hoarders"

TV shows like "Hoarders" are hot right now. But beyond the voyeurism, what lessons can we learn from them about our own relationships with stuff?

You know you're a Wisebread reader if...

What makes a Wisebread reader? Why are you guys so, well, special? I sat, I pondered, I scribbled down notes furiously. This is what I came up with. It's a small list, just 30 entries. [more]

Best Money Tips: Build a Fabulous Career Wardrobe for Less

Today we found some awesome articles on building a fabulous career wardrobe for less, choosing a community college, and retiring early.

Review of The Money Mammals DVD for Children

Snigglezoo Entertainment recently sent me a review copy of their Money Mammals DVD to try out. The results were both surprising and delightful.

Double hack – make a cheap metal detector, find a fortune.

It’s not often you get a double-whammy money-saving tip but this one falls into that category. Not only can you save cash by making your own cheap metal detector, you can find a fo

Best Money Tips: Small New Year’s Resolutions for Your Money

Today we found small New Year’s resolutions for your money, cheap ways to make your life happier, and overpriced grocery items to skip.

Best Money Tips: Tips to Increase Your Income

Today we found some stellar articles on increasing your income, why you should be careful using online tax advice, and what to look for when buying a new house.

A Brief History of Credit Card Marketing Tactics

Credit card companies have been trying to part us from our money for years — and their techniques are only getting more sophisticated.

Ask the Readers: Do You Buy Extended Warranties?

Tell us whether you buy extended warranties and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Best Money Tips: Money-Saving Tips People Often Forget

Today we found some great articles on money-saving tips people forget about, why you need renter's insurance, and reducing the cost of a college education.

Pitting Airline Against Hotel Rewards

If you've ever hesitated before redeeming your airline miles and wondered if you're getting a good deal, you're in good company.