Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 5 Best Backpack Tents

Hiking with a tent on your back that's also comfortable to sleep in isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these backpack tents and hiking and camping will be a breeze.

Crime Scene Cleaner and 4 Other Trades That Pay Surprisingly Well

They make lack glamour, but these five careers pay pretty well, actually. Time to get to work on your resume?

7 Beauty Tools That Aren't Worth the Money

Banish bathroom clutter by avoiding these seven beauty and grooming tools. They aren't worth the money!

10 Frugal and Delicious Meals to Make With Your Kids

Get your kids started early on healthy and frugal habits like cooking at home — and save yourself some effort at meal time. It's win-win, yum!

5 Reasons Fall Is a Great Time to House Hunt

The leaves are changing, and you still don't have your dream home. Hey, no worries! Fall is a great time to house hunt.

The 5 Best Dehumidifiers

A dehumidifier helps you beat back mildew and musty air -- find out which brands and models are worth adding to your shopping list.

The 5 Best Sunscreens

Sunlight is great for mind, body, and spirit, but it's pretty tough on the skin. Get the benefits with less harm with one of these five best sunscreens.

4 Signs Your Emergency Fund Is Too Big

Your emergency fund is stocked. Would your extra dollars better serve you elsewhere?

Bush's economic stimulus package; What will you get back?

As you’re no doubt aware, President Bush has created an economic stimulus package in the hopes of stalling the impending recession (or if you believe some, depression) that’s on th

Book review: Supercapitalism

For most of the 20th century, capitalism and democracy seemed to go hand-in-hand. After all, every democratic country was largely capitalist and nearly every capitalist country wa

What to Buy, and Avoid Buying, in February

Winter rolls on, as do the rolling discounts. Read on for the stuff you can buy cheap this month — and the stuff you should hold off on.


Want free access to the more multi media than you can handle? Get yourself to your public library before the powers that be close them all down...

Ask the Readers: What Is Your Favorite DIY Halloween Costume?

Tell us about your favorite DIY Halloween costume and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

10 Smart Uses for Food That's About to Go Bad

Your brown bananas and flimsy fennel may look ready for the trash, but there's still lots of ways to enjoy these soon-to-spoil foods.

Beat Stress With These 28 Inexpensive Pastimes

Got time to kill, but no money to burn? Try one of these low-cost (or free!) pastimes. You’ll beat stress and maybe learn a thing or two!

Insider Trading Is a Lot More Common Than You Think

We all remember when Martha Stewart pulled a Gordon Gekko. Ever wondered what exactly inside trading entails? Here's a breakdown.

Things You Must Know to Protect Yourself in an Auto Accident

Don't make an auto accident worse by causing more harm — whether to you, or to your insurance rates. Here's how to prepare for an accident, and what to do after.

How to Save 20-100% on Textbooks

Textbooks have nearly tripled in price since 1987 while inflation has increased by only 72 percent. In fact, depending on where you go to school, the cost of textbooks be from 25%

Ambitious People Have These 10 Things in Their Homes — Do You?

The things people carry says a lot about who they are. How many of your things are on this list of possessions of the ambitious?

25 Fun, Frugal Things to Do Tonight Besides Watch TV

Get up offa that couch, switch off the TV, and spend some quality time tonight with your family or your finances or your favorite loyal friend.