Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

8 Fees You Need to Stop Paying Right Now

Save hundreds of dollars a year by dropping these useless fees from your life.

School Bookstores Can't Afford Cheap Textbooks

I'm taking just one course this semester, with just one reasonably priced textbook. According to the back cover, the price was $29.95, but that isn't the price I paid. I pu

8 Fundraising Steps for Building a New Business

You have a business idea. It's going to be great. But how do you raise the money to get it off the ground? Start here.

9 Problems You Can't Solve With Money

Many problems we face require us to spend money to solve them. Use the three-step plan to decide if the solution is worth the cost.

10 Ways to Repair a Burned Bridge

We've all ended a work or personal relationship badly. Mend a broken connection and you'll regain a valued friend or a colleague -- forever this time.

Once Bitten Twice Shy: What is Credit Security Worth to You?

If you have had your identity stolen, you're prepared to bring out the big guns to protect it. Even if you haven't been once bitten, you may be shy. Here are some (arguable but eff

10 Easiest Items to "Flip" for Cash

There are tons of things in your house right now that could easily be flipped for cash. It just takes a good eye and some elbow grease!

20 Delicious Recipes for Canned Clams

Canned clams may not top everybody's list of favorite seafood staples, and that's a shame, because the affordable bivalve is delicious in dips, soups, pastas and more.

25 Things to Do With Used Corks (Including Making Money With Them)

So you've popped open a bottle of, what do you do with the wine cork? You have a surprising number of options.

The 5 Best Board Games for Children

Board games can be educational for children, teaching them critical thinking, reading, and even money skills. Get any of these five and your kids will have a blast.

Should You Always Dispute Mistakes on Your Credit Report?

We all make mistakes, which is why you shouldn't skip regular reviews of your credit reports. Any errors there can cost you.

Could you save money by subscribing to an addictive game?

During the Christmas break my husband and I went to dinner with some of his friends from high school. One couple we spoke with told us that they are trying to save money for a dow

Here's How Rich You'd Be If You'd Invested $500 in FAANG 6 Years Ago

So you missed the boat on Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google? Here's how much it cost you.

4 Reasons Credit Is Safer Than Debit

If you're prone to overspending, a debit card may be your best bet. For everyone else, credit cards are the safer choice.

Best Money Tips: Simple Time Management Tips That Work

Today we found articles on simple time management tips that actually work, morning rituals that can relieve anxiety, and ways to enjoy your city on a budget.

Ask the Readers: What Do You Love Most About Your Job?

Tell us what you like most about your job and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Rural living in a world with expensive fuel

Rising fuel costs are hard on everybody, but one group gets hit especially hard: Rural folks--especially rural folks who work in town. On my previous posts on expensive fuel,

Ask the Readers: Where Do You Prefer to Work Out?

Tell us where you prefer to work out and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

The 5 Best Rain Jackets for Women

Keeping your clothes from getting wet on a rainy day isn't easy, but it can be. Just wear any of these rain jackets and your clothes will stay dry.

5 Steps to Getting a Free (or Close to Free) Vacation in 9 Months or Less with Credit Cards

Here is a step by step plan to earn enough credit card rewards for a free vacation in 9 months or less.