Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Here's How Your Taxes Will Change When You Retire

While you plan for all the travel and hobbies you'll do in retirement, you should probably plan for your taxes, too.

7 Important Lessons Frugal Parents Teach Their Children

Being frugal can make us feel like we're depriving our kids sometimes. But frugal parenting can provide so much more than any fancy toy ever could.

5 Ways to Make Passive Income Online

From ebooks to advertising, the internet is your go-to place for creating passive income streams.

10 Unexpected Home Uses for Mayonnaise

Mayo does more than make everything delicious. From cleaning to killing pests to giving you silky-soft hair, discover all the surprising uses for this condiment.

7 Ways to Bounce Back After You Miss a Credit Card Payoff Goal

Discouraged because you didn't meet a credit card payoff goal? Don't get down on yourself — get back to bringing those balances down.

7 Things You Need to Know About 401(k) Hardship Withdrawals

A financial emergency strikes, and your only resource is your 401(k). Before you take that money, there are few important things to understand.

14 of the Coolest Sayings About Investing

It's easy to get frustrated by the complexity that is investing, so take a moment to chill in wisdom of some well turned phrases about making money.

8 Money-Saving Hacks for Those Who Hate Cooking

Don't let your disdain for cooking keep you from saving money. These easy meal hacks will make food prep a breeze.

What Happens When Your Credit Card Debt Is Charged Off?

A “charge off” on your credit card debt doesn’t mean it’s disappearing. Take action before your credit score takes a huge hit.

4 Ways Millennials Are Changing Marriage

It's no secret that Millennials like to do things their own way, and that includes marriage. Here's how the kids are tying the knot (or not).

Save on Groceries with Discount Grocery Stores

Looking to save even more on food? Try finding a bargain grocery store in your area, and get all the food your family needs for less.

How to Budget When You're No Longer Broke

You went from barely making ends meet to being flush with cash. Don't abandon your broke budget!

Which Airline's Frequent Flyer Miles Have the Best Value?

Do some frequent flyer miles have more value than others? Let's find out.

10 Classes That Can Pay for Themselves

Want to learn something new — and invest in your future? From crafting to business, these great classes have the potential to pay for themselves.

Can a Kindle Save You Money? Oprah's Coupon Code Makes It Easier

For awhile I have been pondering whether Amazon's Kindle reading device can really pay for itself. But something happened today that got me off the fence: Oprah shared a coupon cod

6 Reasons You Need to Include Pets in Your Will

When drawing up your will, don't forget to include your four-legged family members! They need you, even when you're gone.

How to Negotiate Your Rent

A rent hike may have you packing your bags, but if you don't want to move, it's time to haggle.

How Credit Inquiries Affect Your Credit Score

Not all credit inquiries will affect your credit score. Here's what you need to know about those that do and those that don't.

You Can’t Save if You Don’t Try

There has been much discussion about whether certain money-saving strategies are worth your time. In a recent article in Parade Magazine, Tim Harford alerts us to “Bargains That A

Learn to Love Cooking (and Save!) With These 11 Kitchen Tricks

For those who enjoy cooking, the savings are an extra perk. But what if you don't enjoy it? You will, after you start doing these 11 things.