Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Great Ways to Use Duct Tape

From the kitchen to the clothes closet to medicine cabinet, discover unexpected ways that duct tape can help out all around the house.

4 Unexpected Costs of a Higher-Paying Job Offer

Accepting a higher-paying job offer is an automatic "yes," right? Not exactly — here's why you may want to turn the money down.

The Photographer's Dilemma: Quintessential Tips for Frugal Photography

Digital photography is like a virus that is slowly overtaking my friends. Seriously. One person in my group of friends got a digital camera. He took some pictures and shared them with his friends. [more]

Jobs That Offer Free Room and Board

If you're looking for a job with some non-traditional perks, check out these gigs that not only provide a salary, but also free accommodations.

Frugal Tip: Do Not Spend When You Are Sad

Have you ever paid more than you normally would for something when you are trying to cheer yourself up? A recent study showed that a group of people who were sad offered almost fo

How to Buy Used Furniture

With so many people listing their used furniture for sale, why not give it a try? We’ve got the tips you need.

7 Tips to Save on Apartment Living

Learn how to get the best apartment living experience without busting your budget. Here are 7 tips to help you get lower rent, top-notch service, cheaper utility bills, and more.

How To Host A New Year's Eve Party On A Budget

With the New Year celebration just around the corner from the Christmas shopping season, many people skip hosting a New Year's Eve party due to financial concerns. Find out how you

Opportunity Costs and Conscious Spending: How Spending $1 Today Can Cost You $10 Tomorrow

In this sample from his new personal finance course, expert J.D. Roth explains how understanding opportunity costs can lead to smarter spending.

Get a Grip on Your Debt: How to Obtain a Clear, Concise Financial Snapshot

Before we can tackle our debt problems, we need to know from where we are starting.

Amazing AAA Discounts

AAA membership isn't just for getting your flat fixed or getting towed. Learn about the hundreds of additional discounts that every AAA member has.

6 Moves Every First Year Freelancer Should Make

Working for yourself is rewarding. Make these moves in your first year of business, and you'll be set for success.

14 Tasty and Cheap Meals for One

Dinner for one? Yes, please! Enjoy a delicious dish — and time to yourself — with these recipes specifically crafted for solo dining.

Easy weekend business: sell used books

When I started blogging I wrote an article about saving money in college. In this article I wrote that I made money by selling used books. Some people were curious as to how I co

16 Major Dos and Don'ts at a Job Interview

Your resume, network, online profiles all worked and you've landed the interview. Don't mess up now!

Be Careful Who You Owe: Here's Who Can Garnish Your Wages

Most Americans already live paycheck to paycheck. If you owe these four creditors money, well...that paycheck might get a little — or a lot — smaller.

10 Reasons Why You're Not Reaching Your Goals (and How to Change That)

Fail to reach another goal? Don't beat yourself up about it (that's reason #6), but do use this list to learn why you've failed — and how to do better next time.

Last-Minute DIY Halloween Costumes

It's few days before Halloween, and I have given barely a thought to what I'll wear...but I have some great ideas.

Most Popular Ways Americans Spend Their Tax Refunds

Americans are getting smarter about spending their tax refunds. How will you spend yours?

Who Should Pay for the First Date?

If you're dating, the rules of who pays the first time you meet can get murky. One writer clarifies the situation (hint: always bring your wallet).