Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Office Ergonomics: Lessons Learned from Physical Therapy

What you don't know about office ergonomics can hurt you.

The Psychology of Cash Flow

Money flows in and out of your life. To keep a good handle on it, you not only need to get a good handle on your budget, but also on your mind.

Put Off Saving for Retirement

With this plan, your retirement will be just as secure, and your first few years will be a lot more comfortable.

9 Easy Ways to Turn a Terrible Day Around

So you're having a bad day. Here's how easy it is to make it a good one.

Who's Linking to Wise Bread?

Wise Bread relies on links to help us gain readership and reach a broader audience of friends and contributors. We really appreciate how our readers and fellow bloggers promote and sustain us, so we'd just like to take a minute to say, "Yay! [more]

Is the New OTC “Alli” Just Money Down the Toilet?

Who couldn’t lose a few pounds? [more]


That quote from Howard Beale (character in Network, 1976 movie) sums me up right about now. And it's probably just the straw that broke the camel's back, because it's n

Common Currency: A Primer

These postings will pertain to the economy of life, which is all about personal alternatives that shape our financial world.

25 Painless Ways to Save $50 This Year

Little changes can add up to huge savings. From dating to driving, here are 25 painless ways to save $50 in the coming year.

Join America Saves Week February 24 to March 2nd

This week is officially America Saves Week 2008. This is a campaign started in 2007 by many government agencies and private entities to encourage Americans to save because the per

Will house prices keep dropping?

I don't think much of the "buy low, sell high" model for house purchases. I think a house should be purchased as a place to live, in which case the main questions are whether you

The Only 9 Things You'd Really Need If You Lost Everything

If, God forbid, you were to lose everything, what would you need to get by? Start with the basics and work your way up.

7 Lessons I Learned About Money After Living in Mexico

Living abroad can really broaden your horizons, especially when it comes to money.

4 Reasons Why Green is Good, But Isn't Always Better

I'm all for taking care of the world around us. Is it possible, however, that we've taken “green” issues at more than their face value? Do we accidentally limit our discernment a

Start The School Year Off Right: A Few Frugal Tips for Getting Through the Fall

School clothes, school supplies, sign-up fees and more: the cost of education, whether public or private, seems to go up every year. As long as it's for your son or daughter's educ

Ask the Readers: If You Could Retire Today — Would You?

Tell us if you would be willing to retire today and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Hoopde for sale. Starting price - $500. Winning bid - $226,521.

I love stories like this. It gives me hope that one day, something “worthless” sitting in my garage will instantly fill up my daughters’ college funds. In this case, the seemingly

Comparing Online Backup Services

There are a number of online backup services to choose from. Here are a few of the most popular online backup services and how they rate when compared against one another.

Medical Tourism 101: Listen Live for Big Savings

Have you ever wondered what the phrase “medical tourism” really meant? Are you looking for ways to cut back on healthcare costs (both at home and abroad)? We chat candidly with A

7 Ways to Help Your Parents Save Money

Help your parents enjoy their golden years without spending a fortune yourself.