Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 7 Rules of Budget Travel

Want to save money and protect the environment while on vacation? Get eco-friendly and genuine travel experiences by following these 7 rules of budget travel.

This Simple Mistake on a Credit Application May Cost You

Your income plays a big role on credit card applications. Report it wisely (and honestly!) for best results — especially if you freelance.

6 Steps to Take When You Have More Bills Than Income

When the bills are mounting, don't give up! Get proactive with your creditors, cut your costs, and start rebuilding your credit. Here's how.

Which Airline Loyalty Program Has the Best Value for Their Miles?

Just how much is an airline mile worth? It depends on the airline — and the credit card.

10 Ways to Age Well for $0

Good news! Some of the best ways to access the fountain of youth are completely free.

How Divorce Can Impact Your Social Security Payments

Divorce impacts many aspects of your life — even your Social Security benefits.

14 Popular Snacks You Can Make at Home

Store bought snacks are pricey and fattening. Whether you're craving salty or sweet, it's cheap and easy to make your own — and healthier, too!

8 Times to Avoid Dividend Stocks

Dividends can be a neat way to watch "free money" roll in, but beware. Sometimes you're better off without the cash.

6 Reasons Your Coworkers Think You're a Slacker

If you've been slacking, your co-workers have probably noticed. Are you guilty of any of these slack-tastic tells?

Can a Kindle Save You Money? Oprah's Coupon Code Makes It Easier

For awhile I have been pondering whether Amazon's Kindle reading device can really pay for itself. But something happened today that got me off the fence: Oprah shared a coupon cod

How to Sell a Car Without a Title

Ready to sell your set of wheels, but can't find the title for the life of you? You've got a few options.

The 5 Best Digital Food Scales

When trying to eat healthy, the right tools make it easy. Just use any of these digital food scales and your goal weight will be within your reach.

Half of Americans Are Wrong About Their Retirement Savings

Most Americans have no idea what their retirement outlook is, for better or worse. Are you one of them?

16 Festive Ways to Make Extra Money for the Holidays

For many the holidays mean more stress and more spending. For those with the entrepreneurial spirit, the holidays mean more cash.

Best Money Tips: How to Overcome Social Anxiety

Today we found articles on how to overcome social anxiety, a 5-step guide to becoming a homeowner, and easy ways to get rid of a headache.

Metal Detecting for Beginners: Patience and Profit

If you're interested in metal detecting, learn about the costs, concerns, and rewards of the hobby as one enthusiast shares his story.

6 Must-Haves for Your Travel First Aid Kit

Before you jet off on your next trip, make sure you have these items in your first aid kit.

5 Things Tax Preparers Should Tell You

Knowing the right questions to ask can help you get better advice and bigger refunds.

10 Travel Destinations for People Who Hate Crowds

If crowded beaches and bustling city centers aren't your thing, we've got just the vacation spots you (and no one else) are looking for.

How to Get Out of Social Obligations That Break Your Budget

Stressed out over how to handle those birthday parties, weddings, and social invites you can't afford? Learn how to bow out gracefully.