Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

9 College Expenses You Aren't Saving For

Tuition? Check. Books? Check. These other hidden costs of your child's college education and experience? ...Uh oh.

How to Make Money With Peer-to-Peer Lending Service Prosper

Unleash your inner banker with Prosper, the peer-to-peer lending service. Low investment minimums and a variety of risk thresholds make it easy.

7 Surprising Facts About Roth IRAs

A lot of people think Roth IRAs are just another retirement vehicle. Yes — and they're also one of the most flexible options available.

Best Money Tips: Tips for Living on One Income

Today we found some fantastic articles on tips when living on one income, building your first retirement fund, and nevotiating a higher salary.

If you're so smart, why aren't you rich?

You don't hear it much any more, but for a long time, "If you're so smart, why aren't you rich" was a pretty effective line for the average Joe when dealing w

Cell Phone Relief

Tired of those early termination fees that cell phone companies stick you with? Well, help may be on the way, but it may just be a case of the fox watching the hen-house.

A Frugal Resource: The Community College

One of my favorite frugal resources is the community college. Even though I’ve taken several classes at my local college, I’ve barely tapped into the depth of resources available n

7 Ways to Protect Yourself From Theft While Traveling

Vacation is meant to be relaxing. Don't let thieves spoil it!

Book review: Life Inc.

Corporations were invented a few hundred years ago--created to increase the wealth and power of favored businessmen (and the governments that favored them). They have become such

4 Effortless Ways to Save on Back-to-School Shopping

Already stressed about back-to-school shopping? Don't be. You can save money without even trying.

5 Signs You Were Raised by Parents With Bad Social Skills

Our parents teach us so much about how to live — for better or worse. If crowds aren't your thing, identify the signs and overcome your upbringing.

5 Simple Ways to Live Rent-Free

Housing isn't cheap, especially if you're broke. But with some creativity and some gumption, you can put a roof over your head for nothing.

6 Reasons Why Used Is Better

Buying used isn't just about finding antiques or quirky vintage clothes. From cost to quality, discover why buying used is often smarter than buying new.

14 (Mostly) Frugal Valentine’s Day Recipes

Give your special someone the royal treatment the cheap way with this list of delicious and frugal Valentine's Day recipes.

15 More Cheap and Easy DIY Toys Kids Will Love

Your little ones are sure to love these fun and fantastically frugal DIY toys — and your budget will, too!

How often do you get your paycheck?

One of the BlogHer featured posts talked about a mis-match between pay dates and credit card due dates. It reminded me of just how much I used to agonize over this issue, back bef

7 Money Fixes You Can Make When You're Stuck Inside Because of the Weather

Stuck inside on a snowy day is the perfect time to declutter and revamp your financial strategy.

7 Ways That Anyone Can Travel for Free

Satisfying your wanderlust doesn't have to drain your savings. In fact, if you're clever, you can travel for free.

Make Old Furniture Shine With These Simple Refinishing Tricks

Find a beat-up piece of wood furniture? Don't just paint it — try your hand at stripping and staining, and let the gorgeous wood show through.

6 Ways to Have a Great Late-Night Workout

Late at night may be the only time you have for a workout. To make it great (and still fall asleep on time) follow these suggestions.