Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Thoughts I Had After Paying Off My Credit Card Debt

A lot goes through your mind when you finally overcome credit card debt. After "Whoo-Hoo!," what comes next?

Save on Last Year's Taxes Right Now

You can still save on last year's taxes right now, if you still haven't filed your income tax return yet.

8 Personal Finance Resolutions Anyone Can Master

Make — and keep! — these simple money resolutions in the new year. Your finances will thank you.

7 Tools and Gadgets Your Smartphone Can Replace

Clear the clutter and keep your smartphone, because with the right apps, it becomes a universal tool that makes your everyday life easier.

The 5 Best Bottle Brushes

Keeping bottles clean isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these bottle brushes and your bottles will remain bacteria-free.

Mick Jagger Rarely Buys New and 4 Other Smart Money Lessons From Thrifty Musicians

Too often pop superstardom comes with superstar profligacy. Not so for these five frugal musicians whose smart money habits offer lessons for the rest of us.

4 Things Millennials Should Do Today to Prepare for Retirement

Planning for retirement is daunting — even for twenty-somethings. Take a few simple steps and be on your way to building a healthy retirement fund.

5 Pet Costs You Don't See Coming

Pets soon become family — which means more often than not, you'll pony up. Start saving now for these pet expenses you can't avoid.

5 Ways New Parents Can Manage Debt

Don't let debt distract you from the joy of new parenthood. With some careful planning, you can handle both.

How to Get Elite Status for Free Hotel Upgrades

Getting a free upgrade to the luxury suite of a fancy hotel may sound like a fantasy, but you just need to know which programs to join.

20 Ways to Get Dinner on the Table Faster

Feeding your family fast doesn't have to mean grabbing drive-through eats. Try these tricks to help get delicious homemade meals on the table — quickly.

10 Fun Toys and Games You Can Make at Home

Tired of spending $30 on a single toy? Here are 10 super-fun toys and games you can make at home with common items.

15 Genius Gifts for Office Secret Santa

Shudder at the thought of an office Secret Santa? Worry no more. These genius gifts ideas include something for everyone.

Looking On The Bright Side: How to Find A Silver Lining In The Current Financial Crisis

While this might be the biggest economic disaster of our generation, it might not be the big bad wolf that we all think it is. Quite the contrary, this little financial lesson migh

Avoid These 5 Common Mistakes While Rebuilding Your Credit

It takes hard work to give your credit score a kick in the pants. Don't sabotage it with these five screw-ups.

Has Cash Become More Trouble Than It's Worth?

Harvard economist Kenneth Rogoff thinks we should transition to a cash-free society. We're not so sure.

How to Use Glassdoor to Earn More Money

Website Glassdoor has long be the place to visit to learn more about a potential employer. Now it can help you learn what you're worth.

How to Use Credit Cards Responsibly During the Holidays

It's easy to get carried away during the holidays. Here's how to enjoy the season, without running up big balances on your cards.

8 Questions You Should Always Ask in an Exit Interview

When one career chapter closes, take the time to leave on a high note. You can start by asking these exit interview questions.

7 Surprising Ways to Earn Money Online

Need some extra cash? These online side hustles — some new, some new and improved — could earn you a pretty penny.