Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

36 Workouts You Can Do in Your Living Room While It's Cold Out

Yeah, it's cold outside, but that's no excuse to skip your workout. All you need is few feet of living room and the desire to get moving.

How to Keep a Personal Problem From Hurting Your Career

Everyone goes through a rough spot once in awhile. The key is making sure you don't bring your personal crisis into the office.

11 Essentials Every Business Traveler Needs to Pack

Make business travel a little less taxing with some smart additions to your carry-on.

To life, to life, la kayim! The joy of home-enhanced booze.

The struggle of the homemade gift — what's sure to please, and what's bound for the bin? We've got something that's sure to please; DIY infused vodka!

6 Passé Slang Terms You Need to Stop Using Today

Stop trying to make "fetch" happen — or any of these other horribly flat and stale slang terms. Is your diction dating you?

This Season, Give Your Child the Gift of Fiscal Responsibility

Kids may think they know what they want to get for the holidays this year, but that doesn’t mean they have a

Avoid the Tax Season Rush With These Early Prep Steps

It's almost the year end! Do YOU know where all your tax paperwork is? Here's everything you need to find before the holidays arrive in full force.

Safeway Savings Rally - How I got 9 bags of groceries for $13

Right now Safeway is having an event called Savings Rally which lasts until February 26th. The deal is that you get a dollar off coupon for buying a number of items off a list of

Magazines for Free or Cheap

Follow our tips to be sure you get all your favorite magazine subscriptions for free or cheap.

From Fine to Fabulous: 7 Ways to Improve Your eBay Business

Online auction site eBay has matured, but it's still a great way for savvy sellers to earn extra income. Take advantage of the site with these seven tips.

Build a Bed for Cheap (and Look Good Doing It)

Without a doubt, there are some components to today's beds that are just unnecessary, but I think that most can agree on the core parts of a functioning bed.

The "Pa-Doink" Principle of Personal Savings

"Pa-doink" is the sound you hear when something small and heavy hits water. Think about a child throwing a coin into the fountain at a shopping mall: a toss and a pa-doink later, t

Trim Costs with Cheaper Kid's Haircuts

A recent tabloid article compares the homemade hairstyle of Brangelina's toddler with the designer salon-style of Tom and Katie Cruise's kid. Is there a happy and frugal medium fo

My best posts that got no attention

A few times I've written a post that I thought was good, but that seemed to vanish into the blogosphere without a trace. On my two-year anniversary of writing for Wise Bread, I

8 Things You Can Microwave Besides Food

When it's not re-heating last night's soup, your microwave oven has plenty of non-food uses. Learn how to put yours to work on everything from crafts to cleaning.

Recession Journal V: Mind, The GAP

Some well known mainstays of Corporate America have decided not to wait for an official recovery but to sell the idea of it to you. Can we collectively as corporate citizens and co

Buy. Sell. Make a Profit. Thanks Office Depot.

I've finally found a store that, regular as clockwork, puts great items on sale. And when I say sale, I don't mean 20% off, or even 50% off. I'm talking about 75%-90% off. The

4 Questions to Ask Before Buying Refurbished Appliances

Refurbed appliances can be a great deal — as long as you don't get taken.

7 Old Fashioned Skills That Save You Money

Take DIY to the next level (and save money) with this collection of easy-to-acquire homesteading skills.

How Your New Job Might Affect Your Mortgage Application

You just started a new job. Now, you want a new home. With the right strategy, you can still get a mortgage.