Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Reasons People Resist Change

Before you can help employees and colleagues overcome resistance to change, be sure you understand why they prefer the status quo.

A BBC Production America Hasn't Ripped Off Yet

The BBC has brought us so many cult-classic TV shows. Now they're bringing us free language learning tools!

10 Cool Ice Cream Cakes for Your Next Celebration

The last thing you need on a summer afternoon is a hot oven. Satisfy your guests sweet teeth and cool them off with an ice cream cake instead.

Best Money Tips: Things to Consider Before Adopting a Pet

Today we found some fantastic articles on things to consider before adopting a pet, expediting your tax refund, and how to stop living paycheck to paycheck.

The 6 Best Natural Sunscreens

The sun's harmful rays can dim your summer fun. Try one of these skin-friendly sunscreens to stay outside and keep sunburn at bay.

It's the linkster! The linkmeister!

It's time for our weekly round-up of linky love. As always, if you feel you've been unfairly left off the list, please let us know by emailing our editors at Ivy at Home Ec 101 gave us some serious love. Thanks, Ivy! [more]

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 6/14, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Having a Frugal Father's Day! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

The Truth about Wealth

Is wealth about money, or having goals, or achieving milestones, or something completely different? Read on for a description of what a wise friend told me wealth might actually b

Checking in With Old Goals for the New Year

It seems like New Year's resolutions were made to be broken. This year, let's change that by looking old resolutions and getting them back on track.

Best Money Tips: Lowering Your Grocery Bill

Today we found some fantastic articles on lowering your grocery bill, getting health insurance with no job, and saving money on your data plan.

Best Money Tips: Plan Some Cheap Travel This Weekend

Today we found some awesome articles on planning cheap travel this weekend, spending money wisely, and ways to avoid student loans.

Best Money Tips: Easy Habits for Better Relationships

Today we found easy habits that improve your relationships, what you should know about year-end charitable donations, and things that charismatic people do in conversations.

Are Your Frugal Ways Hurting Us All?

Frugal living can be a very responsible thing -- it prevents piling waste into landfills and it promotes the financial well being of your family. But sometimes, can frugality be ir

The Gas Tax Holiday; don’t fall for it.

Both John McCain and Hillary Clinton are proposing a new Gas Tax Holiday that will run during the summer months, bringing “much needed relief” at the pumps. But will it? More than

Effective Networking in a One-Horse Town

Whether you freelance, run a small business, or just need some good, solid contacts for future career opportunities, networking can be the difference between being successful an

Best Money Tips: Places to Find Free Moving Boxes

Today we found some great articles on places to find free moving boxes, moving back home after graduation, and beating your bills big time.

Ask the Readers: What Do You Enjoy Most About the Olympics?

Tell us what you enjoy most about the Olympics and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Doctor Blogger

An M.D. quits medicine and becomes a full-time blogger.

Best Money Tips: Save Money While in College

Today we found some great articles on ways to save money in college, the biggest money wasters, and email etiquette.

Ask the Readers: Where Do You Prefer to Work?

Tell us where you prefer to work and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!