Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Do You Really Want to Be Rich?

Many people dream of being rich, but few of us are willing to take the steps to get there — or we take the wrong ones. Here's a better plan.

$6500 repair bill to remove a stone from a moon roof

How many times have you felt like someone was ripping you off? Hopefully, you can trust your gut instincts, just like the guy in this video below. You can watch the full 7 minutes for yourself, but the basic story is this. [more]

20 Gift Ideas for Your Co-Workers

Bonus or no bonus, the gifts in this guide to giving to co-workers won't break your holiday budget.

8 Clever Ways People Are Making Money From Pokémon GO

Savvy Pokémon GO players are cashing in on the craze. Here's how they're catching 'em all while catching a few bucks, too.

9 Great Stocks for Back-to-School Time

Back-to-school stocks are poised to have a strong autumn. Consider adding these strong cool-weather performers to your portfolio.

Half Moon, Full Wallet: Free Online Yoga Videos

Practicing yoga is great for the body and mind, but classes can be costly. Get yoga workouts for free with these online routines.

10 Genius Storage Solutions for Your Home Office

An untended home office can become a chaos of clutter and broken dreams. Keep your space tidy and your career on the march with some smart storage.

8 Ways College Students Can Save Money Before Class Starts

Tuition is costly enough — don't let other college costs ruin your budget. Skip pricey extras — not classes — and save both grades and money.

Should You Go on Vacation While You're in Debt?

Vacation is usually the first thing to go when tackling debt. But it doesn't have to be.

Avoid the Tax Season Rush With These Early Prep Steps

It's almost the year end! Do YOU know where all your tax paperwork is? Here's everything you need to find before the holidays arrive in full force.

Frequent Flyer Junkie? Manage your Miles Here

It's a daunting world of rewards programs out there. From frequent flyer miles with every major airline, to hotel reward programs, to individual store loyalty plans, not

How Much Does a Flu Shot Cost?

When it comes time for you to think about getting your seasonal flu shot, there are a few ways to go about getting one – each one with a different price tag. Before you run out and

11 Loyalty Rewards Programs You Didn't Know Existed

You probably already save with your grocery store's loyalty program. Find out where else you can save (as much as 25%!) just by getting a loyalty card.

14 Things You'll Hate About Your Next House

So what if there's a gravel driveway, or an empty lot across the street? Actually, you'll hate these things about your new house.

In Search of Safety: A Mom's 8-Step Guide to Toy Selection and Everyday Use

As the mom of two boys, I can tell you that there are two kinds of toys: 1) those that are inherently dangerous (such as ATVs, BB guns, and lead-tainted toys) and 2) those made

Flashback Friday: The 65 Best Career Tips We've Ever Shared

Finding the right job takes time and perseverance. But with the right career tips, you can get your dream job without having to wait forever.

6 Small Business Pitfalls, and How to Avoid Them: PART ONE

The world of small business is vast and rife with pitfalls. The opportunities are as great as the hazards, and no matter which way you slice it, running a small business takes a lo

6 Frugal Ways to Beat Cabin Fever

One nice day can throw your senses into a tizzy after spending the last several months couped up in the house or bundled up in layered clothing. Struggling through cabin fever can

10 Ways to Have a Cheaper Evening Hanging Out With Friends

Strengthen your friendship bonds without weakening your finances with these fun, cheap outings and get-togethers.

How I Saved Enough for a Down Payment While Working in China

You don't have to give up lifetime financial goals to live the life of an expat. Take your frugal living skills along for the journey, and save big.