Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Frugal Ways to Go Green in 2013

Make 2013 your year to help the environment...and your wallet. Here a five simple ways to turn over a new leaf and save a little money, too.

Get your piece of the Diamond Class Action pie.

Hands up if you bought diamond jewelry between 1994 and 2006. Well, if you did you can claim some of the $295 million that has been set aside in the DeBeers class action lawsuit.

Best Money Tips: Money Moves for a Wealthier Year

Today we found money moves that’ll make you richer next year, frugal ways to tackle winter blues, and ways to change your live for the better.

How to Make Whipped Cream by Hand

Whisking cream by hand can seem intimidating, but with a little bit of time and gumption, you can make your very own delicious homemade whipped cream.

Best Money Tips: Improve Your Chances of Getting a Job

Today we found some stellar articles on ways to improve your chances of getting a job, investments for people in their 20s, and tips for taxpayer newbies.

Book Review: The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Financial Aid for College (Second Edition)

You don’t have to be a complete idiot to need a little guidance in matters of finding and securing money for college. But just in case you are,

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Fourth of July Safety Tips?

Tell us your Fourth of July safety tips and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Ask the Readers: When Do You Want to Retire?

Tell us at what age you want to retire and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Book Review: Full of Bull - Do What Wall Street Does, Not What it Says by Stephen McClellan

Stephen T. McClellan is a seasoned securities analyst who has more than 32 years experience with several different well known investment firms. In his book Full of Bull- Do What W

Best Money Tips: How to Start Saving Money

Today we found some stellar articles on how to start saving money, successfully taking in a roommate, and throwing a frugal Fourth of July party.

Best Money Tips: Amazing Ways Life Will Be Different in 2030

Today we found articles on amazing ways that life will be different in 2030, great family deals for April, and how to use LinkedIn to get your dream job.

Ask the Readers: Have You Ever Done a Spending Freeze?

Tell us if you've ever done a spending freeze and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Please Pass the October Surprise

I've always believed that mastery of vocabulary is at least halfway to mastery of the subject. Words are power--the kind of power commonly wielded by eggheads with pocket protector

Worried About an Audit? Six IRS Red Flags

Is your tax return a magnet for an IRS audit? Find out the 6 things that draw the attention of the IRS and what you can do to minimize your chances of getting audited.

Best Money Tips: Inspiration to Keep Saving Money

Today we found some fantastic articles on inspiration to keep saving money, getting a great performance review, and how to stop wasting half your day.

8 Ways to Survive the April 18th Tax Deadline

Not ready for the big day? Use our helpful tax guides to get you through our crazy tax code.

Meet Wise Bread's Financial Planning Expert, Jeff Rose, CFP!

Meet Wise Bread's resident financial planning expert, Jeff Rose, CFP. Do you have a financial planning question? He's got your back!

10 Essential Travel Items You Forgot to Pack

These items will save you time and money on every trip. Use this cheatsheet and never forget them again.

6 Interesting Ways Technology Can Help You Buy a Home

House hunting is easier, faster and more fun thanks to these new tools. Are you taking full advantage of them?

13 Ways to Come Out of Christmas With a Healthier Savings Account

The holidays are tough on the budget and on savings. Come out ahead this year with these creative income boosts and cost cutters.