Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Achieve Your New Year's Resolutions by the End of Summer

Summer is a great time to tackle those New Year's resolutions so that you can just coast through to the holiday season.

15 Surprisingly Valuable Uses for a Penny

Pennies are worthless, right? Wrong! From table decor to saving dying flowers, a penny can get you out of a jam — for really, really cheap.

8 Gifts the Man in Your Life Really Wants

Truthfully no man wants a cardigan for Christmas, here are some sure fire gifts to make the men in your life smile.

5 Fun, Cheap Party Games You Didn't Know About

You can turn a fun get-together into an awesome party with any of these entertaining and frugal party games (and none of them are Charades).

How to Win a Fraud Dispute With Your Credit Card Company

Thanks to the Fair Credit Billing Act, the law's on your side when it comes to fraudulent card account charges. Here's how to protect your rights (and your wallet).

5 Reasons Why I Don’t Clip Coupons

Many people consider clipping coupons to be one of the major tenets of frugal living. But all that time spent searching and snipping might not be worth it.

5 Essentials for Building a Profitable Portfolio

Investing is a bit of an art form, but it doesn't need to be a complicated one. Know the essentials, and you'll be on your way to great returns.

Do You Really Need a 20 Percent Down Payment for a House?

Don't let the giant down payment dash your dreams of homeownership. You have other options!

How to Pay for College When You Didn't Get a Scholarship

Worried that a lack of scholarships will stunt your college savings? Don't worry; there are other smart ways to afford your degree.

Best Money Tips: Cheap Ways to Keep Your Car Cool in Summer

Today we found articles on cheap ways to keep your car cool in the summer, tips for hosting a guest with dietary restrictions, and ways to make you wedding better for your guests.

5 Creative Uses for Stale Cereal

Don't toss out that stale breakfast cereal! Instead, check out these ways to ensure that none of it goes to waste.

10 Expensive Things That Look Cheap

It's smart to spend more to buy quality and value. But it's doubly dumb to pay way, way more and wind up something that delivers so much less.

Ask the Readers: What Small Thing Brings You the Most Joy?

Tell us what small thing brings you the most joy and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

4 Reasons Why a Roth IRA May be Better Than Your 401(k)

Which is better, a Roth IRA or 401(k)? A mix of both may be your best option - here's why.

5 Easy Ways to Declutter Your Digital Life

Your digital life can become overwhelming quickly if you don't get organized. Start decluttering your bytes!

Are You Paying Off Credit Card Debt the Wrong Way?

Many Americans who are paying off credit card debt are doing it the wrong way — are you?

The Biggest Ways You're Wasting Money at the Pump

Unless your car really, really needs it, you're better off skipping premium. Find out other ways you can save at the pump.

8 Common Car Repair Mistakes That Can Cost You

Squeaky brakes need attention — stat! Delaying car maintenance or repairs is only going to cost you more later. Maybe a lot more.

7 Money Conversations Parents Should Have With Their Adult Kids

Your kids aren't babies anymore. It's time to sit down and talk finance.

5 Questions Retirees Should Ask Before Starting a Small Business

Retirement is usually a time to relax — but for others, it's time to open their dream business. Is it really the right move?