Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 15 Coolest Silicon Valley Job Perks You Wish You Had

Chances are your employer isn't half as generous as these famous tech sector companies. Free lunch is just the beginning.

The sinking dollar

It takes more than $1.40 to buy one euro today. It cost less than $1 as recently as late 2002. A Canadian dollar is worth just about exactly a US dollar--a parity not seen since

9 Ways to Job Hunt Without Getting Caught

Looking for a new job? Here's how to job hunt without getting caught.

CFL Bulbs: Greener than most, but not green enough

I’ve embraced the compact fluorescent light bulb revolution wholeheartedly. I preach their money-saving abilities and cite statistics about energy. I comment on brands and varietie

Food Safety Reminder: Rinsing the Bird Is Bad for Your Health

Do you rinse your poultry and other meats before cooking? Well stop!

Behold: The Secrets of the Grocery Store

A trip to the grocery store may be a hit or a miss, depending on your perspective. Some people love going to the store each week and others detest it with a passion. But there are

9 Summer Side Gigs for Grown-Ups

Teenagers aren't the only ones who need extra money during the summer. Maybe one of these great summer gigs is right for you!

I Hate My Job! Now What?

You hate your job, but what can you do about it? Learn how to survive at a job you hate, how to get out without hurting your career, and what you can do to not hate your next one.

5 Alternatives to Charging Your Medical Bills

Before reaching for your credit card, make sure you check out other effective ways to pay off your medical bills.

20 Frugal Ways to Brighten Your Spouse's Day

You don't have to wine and dine your partner to show your love. Instead, try these inexpensive ways to express how you feel.

Ace Your Next Performance Review With These 7 Tricks

If you're nervous about that upcoming performance review, here's how to make sure you get glowing feedback.

Just Saving Isn't Enough: How Cash Flow Allocation Helps You Retire

Classic asset allocation teaches investors to diversify for safety. Apply this strategy to your retirement to keep the bills paid, even in a bad economy.

Why a 50-Year-Old Gadget May Be the Best Cure for Insomnia

Nobody disputes the value of a good night's sleep, and getting it might be as simple as making your bedroom noisier.

Disneyland on the (Sort of) Cheap

If you're considering a trip to Disneyland, these tips just might help you save your wallet.

7 Foods That Are Scientifically Proven to Increase Happiness

The next time you're feeling down, try a spicy spinach salad topped with poached turkey and salmon, and chase with a handful of chocolate truffles.

Is Mechanical Breakdown Insurance Worth It?

Depending on your car and your aversion to risk, mechanical breakdown insurance can prove to be a smart investment...or a waste of funds.

Does the Forever Stamp Make Cents?

The United States Postal Service announced that they may issue a "forever stamp" - that is, a stamp that you can buy now, at a given price, that will be good into eternity. [more]

Stock up on school (and office) supplies with back-to-school sales

You can start stocking up on school (and office) supplies now if you haven't already but be careful out there. Great deals are everywhere (including Target, Kmart, Staples, Office

7 Ways Grown-Ups Can Make New Friends Without Going Broke

So you want to make new friends, but you don't want to empty your wallet in the process? Worry not, you have options.

The weird logic of economic growth

Ever notice that we have names for a period when the economy isn't growing (recession or depression), but there's no name for when it is growing?  If they call it anything,