Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

25 Frugal Items for Your Organic Vegan Grocery List

It's easy to spend a lot when going vegan or vegetarian. But by shopping smarter and choosing the right pantry items, a healthy diet doesn't have to be harmful to your wallet.

Ask the Readers: Are You Ready for Tax Season?

Tell us whether you're ready for tax season and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

10 Favorite Mail-Order Websites

Here are my 10 mail-order websites that I love for their great customer service and quality products.

Should You Refinance Your Student Loan?

Student loan borrowers have lots of repayment options, including a growing number of refinance options. Here's what to look for.

8 Common Causes of Debt — And How to Avoid them

Millions of Americans are saddled with debt. To truly get rid of it, you need to get to the root of the problem.

7 Traps to Avoid With Your 401(k)

Your 401(k) is a powerful retirement savings tool, but that doesn't mean it's perfect.

Ask the Readers: What Is Your Favorite Holiday Flavor?

Tell us about your favorite holiday flavor we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5 Places to Get Cheaper Diapers

After having five children, I know a few things about finding diaper deals. Follow my suggestions, and you'll never have to pay full-price for diapers again.

5 Reasons a Big Paycheck Is Not Worth Staying in a Job You Hate

Financial independence is the goal for us all, but it shouldn't come at the cost of a despicable job.

6 Smart Ways to Use Garage Space

If the garage serves no other purpose but another space for clutter to pile up, why not convert it into one of these creative uses?

14 Things You Should Do When You Move to a New Town

Welcome to the neighborhood! Here's how to plant your roots in the new town you call home.

Ask the Readers: Do You Use a Workout Plan?

Tell us whether you have a workout plan and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5 Things That Could Wreck an Early Retirement

Those chasing early retirement with aggressive saving and frugal lifestyles should also prepare for unexpected costs, post retirement.

Beware These 6 Phony IRS Calls and Emails

No one particularly likes hearing from the IRS, but we bet you'd enjoy hearing from these tax scammers even less.

The Biggest Ways You're Wasting Money at the Pump

Unless your car really, really needs it, you're better off skipping premium. Find out other ways you can save at the pump.

Save a Bundle on Your Groceries: Consider Your Local Asian Market

Despite the coupons and the special offers, the major supermarket chains are not cheap. You find a deal now and then, but on the whole they really don’t give you great value for mo

8 Alternatives to Cable TV That Will Keep You Entertained

Cable TV is expensive, but watching your favorite shows doesn't have to be. Here are eight ways you can cut the cable and still catch your must-see TV.

6 Ways Your Pet Can Earn a Paycheck

Raising a fur baby isn't cheap, but if you're clever, your pet can pay you back in spades.

10 Ways to Avoid Germs on Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

Public transportation can get awfully germy. Make sure you protect yourself from those grimy surfaces.

We Do the Math: Will an Electric Mower Trim Lawn Care Costs?

Should you get a gas lawn mower or electric? Let's weigh the financial pros and cons and see which offers the most value.