Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

These Choos were made for walkin': an interview with a modern urban nomad

Ever feel stuck? In a rut? Running in place, but not getting much exercise? There's another way to live, you know; a way that bypasses, or at least delays, the mortgage, the co

10 Sites and Apps to Help You Track Your Spending and Stick to Your Budget

One of the best ways to manage a budget and control your money is to actively track spending. All of these apps and online tools make tracking your expenses easy.

What Is Power of Attorney?

When aging or illness make financial decisions too dicey, folks can turn to a trustworthy third party known as power of attorney.

Cheap Hotel Rates with Hotwire

Traveling is an incredible experience, but it's not cheap. Finding a cheap hotel room that doesn't look or feel cheap feels like an impossible task. But it can be done if you're

How to Get Your Money Back When You’re Denied a Refund

Not every retailer you shop will have flexible return policies or exemplary customer service. But you can still get a refund if you know who to ask.

How 2 People Can See Paris for $500 or Less

Visit the enchanting city of Paris for the historic buildings, world famous art, and the crepes. Just make sure you do it inexpensively with a smart combination of rewards cards.

Almost 50 Unique Housewarming Gifts for Less Than $20

You don't have to spend a lot to help your friends and family settle into a new place.

7 Smart Ways to Save on Maternity Clothes

No need to finance a whole new wardrobe with a baby on board! Save big on maternity clothes to stay frugal and fashionable.

5 Ways to Snag Budget-Friendly Business Clothes

Buying new business clothes can seriously dent your budget, especially if you're unemployed. But you don't have to go into debt to dress for success.

Yes, You Still Need an Emergency Fund in Retirement

An emergency fund isn't just for the working world. You need to bring one into retirement, too.

Here's What to Do If Your Wages Are Garnished

Having your wages garnished is scary. Being informed is your best defense.

Business Advice from a Billionaire

Someone who showed me unprecedented, unexpected kindness in a brief, but efficient, meeting years ago is now one of the world's richest people, according to Forbes magazine. You

11 Things Scientists Say Will Boost Your Happiness Today

From naps to sad movies, these common everyday activities really do make us happier — in ways science can measure. Try some and feel better!

Quality Over Price: 15 Items to Spend More On

Want to make sure you're getting the best value for your dollars? When it comes to these 15 items, it makes sense to spend more.

How to Calculate Future Value, and Why It Matters

Discover how simple spreadsheet projections about future investments can help you make long-term decisions today.

7 Modern Ways to Balance Your Checkbook

It's no longer necessary to pore over that ledger and paper bank statement. You can "balance your checkbook" the modern way.

4 Foolproof Ways to Protect Your Money From Inflation

Inflation may not be as taxing as it once was, but it still chips away at your money. Here's how to keep more of what's yours, for longer.

The High Cost of Pursuing Fame and Fortune

Who hasn't dreamed of achieving fame and fortune? Find out just how much of a long shot stardom really is.

9 Money Moves You're Never Too Old to Make

Age is just a number. Don't let it keep you from making smart decisions for long term financial health.

31 Essential Kitchen Tools All Frugal Cooks Need

If your tiny kitchen space doesn't have these essentials, you're not living your best life.