Wise Bread articles that are hot today.
Investing is not without risk. But that doesn't mean you should be afraid of investing altogether.
Introverts are known for their quiet energy, but did you know they're also pretty good with money?
Your trusty old ride has seen better days. But should you pay for a fix-up, or shell out for a new vehicle?
Office solicitations are a sneaky budget buster. It's time to stop letting them drain your savings.
There are scores of fancy apps and websites that can help you manage your money, but for some, nothing beats the elegance of a simple spreadsheet.
If you're looking for an airline credit card that will get you the most bang for your purchases, these are the ones you should consider.
Your love of lattes might not be totally to blame for your low funds. Cognitive biases could be derailing every one of your money-related decisions.
Why pay $15 for a credit score when you can get one for free? Turns out not all credit scores are the same.
Selling items online is so easy to do these days. But you still have to watch out for scammers.
There will be lots of things to learn during your first year of college. Make sure you master these money moves between classes.
Dreaming of getting rid of everything you own and becoming a globe-trotter? This is how you can actually make it happen.
Has something at work recently left you feeling guilty? Here's the green light to shrug off those feelings.
Is your wallet weighing down your pockets? Ditch the old school wallet and go digital.
Believe it or not, back-to-back rejection can lead you straight to success.
If you want to ace your next job interview, all you need to do is change your perspective.
Warren Buffett says that 100 years from now, the DJIA will be "over 1 million." Is he out of his mind?
Should you take advantage of the $700 billion bailout plan to help struggling homeowners and stop paying your mortgage?
A balance transfer can help your finances. Moving your money from a high-rate card to one that has a 0% APR can save you money and help you pay off your debt much faster.
Your credit card offers travel insurance as a cardholder perk, but is it really enough to protect you on the road?
Identity theft is scary. When your kids are the target, it's positively terrifying.
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Wise Bread articles that are hot today.
How the Risk Averse Can Get Into the Stock Market
Investing is not without risk. But that doesn't mean you should be afraid of investing altogether.
6 Smart Money Habits of Introverts
Introverts are known for their quiet energy, but did you know they're also pretty good with money?
Should You Fix Up Your Car, Or Get a New One?
Your trusty old ride has seen better days. But should you pay for a fix-up, or shell out for a new vehicle?
How to Keep Office Solicitations From Busting Your Budget
Office solicitations are a sneaky budget buster. It's time to stop letting them drain your savings.
Take Control of Your Money With These 10 Free Spreadsheet Templates
There are scores of fancy apps and websites that can help you manage your money, but for some, nothing beats the elegance of a simple spreadsheet.
The Best Co-Branded Airline Credit Cards
If you're looking for an airline credit card that will get you the most bang for your purchases, these are the ones you should consider.
5 Mental Biases That Are Keeping You Poor
Your love of lattes might not be totally to blame for your low funds. Cognitive biases could be derailing every one of your money-related decisions.
I Checked My Credit Score in 11 Places — Here's What I Learned
Why pay $15 for a credit score when you can get one for free? Turns out not all credit scores are the same.
6 Ways to Avoid Scams When Selling Your Stuff Online
Selling items online is so easy to do these days. But you still have to watch out for scammers.
4 Money Moves Every College Freshman Should Master
There will be lots of things to learn during your first year of college. Make sure you master these money moves between classes.
How to Sell All Your Stuff and Travel the World
Dreaming of getting rid of everything you own and becoming a globe-trotter? This is how you can actually make it happen.
8 Times You Should Never Feel Guilty at Work
Has something at work recently left you feeling guilty? Here's the green light to shrug off those feelings.
8 Things You No Longer Need to Keep in Your Wallet
Is your wallet weighing down your pockets? Ditch the old school wallet and go digital.
How Constant Rejection Can Actually Lead to Success
Believe it or not, back-to-back rejection can lead you straight to success.
Use "Cognitive Crafting" to Ace Your Next Job Interview
If you want to ace your next job interview, all you need to do is change your perspective.
Why the Dow Will Hit a Million, Eventually
Warren Buffett says that 100 years from now, the DJIA will be "over 1 million." Is he out of his mind?
Should We All Just Stop Paying the Mortgage?
Should you take advantage of the $700 billion bailout plan to help struggling homeowners and stop paying your mortgage?
When to Do a Balance Transfer to Pay Off Credit Card Debt
A balance transfer can help your finances. Moving your money from a high-rate card to one that has a 0% APR can save you money and help you pay off your debt much faster.
When Is Your Credit Card's Travel Insurance Good Enough?
Your credit card offers travel insurance as a cardholder perk, but is it really enough to protect you on the road?
How to Protect Your Child From Identity Theft
Identity theft is scary. When your kids are the target, it's positively terrifying.