Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Money Lessons You Can Learn From Your Pets

Didn't think you could learn a thing or two about money from your family pet? Think again.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Favorite Summer Activities?

Tell us about your favorite summer activities and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

7 Countries Where You Don't Have to Tip at Restaurants

Maybe you hate tipping or maybe you just don't like doing math. Either way, in these popular travel destinations, the gratuity is already covered.

7 Ways to Stay Calm in Stressful Moments

Feel stress? Practice calm.

How to Throw a Kid’s Birthday Party That’s Fun, Happily Memorable, and Not So Expensive

The most fun, memorable and least expensive birthday party for your child may be, figuratively and literately, right in your own backyard. I’ve attended and hosted fabulous but sim

How to Agree on the Perfect Home With Your Spouse

If your dream home is your spouse's worst nightmare, you'll need to find some middle ground before you're move-in ready.

Are You Pursuing an Overcrowded Career Field?

It takes time, money, and effort to earn a degree or certificate for a chosen occupation. Before you commit, make sure the field has room for you.

The 5 Best Smart Locks

Smart locks offer convenient and safer options for keeping your home secure. Just use any of these smart locks and you won't need to worry about losing your keys ever again.

A whopping 6lb cheeseburger for free...if you can finish it.

Actually, I'm being a little untruthful. The full weight of the burger is closer to NINE POUNDS. 6lbs is just the meat. You have to admit it, Americans do everything bigger...but is it better? [more]

Best Kids Eat Free Restaurants

Knock dollars and cents off your tab by eating at one of these restaurants where kids score their meals for free.

Americans' savings rate up to almost 7% - who benefits?

According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the personal savings rate in May 2009 was 6.9%. This a 15 year high and a far cry from the negative savings rates of just a few yea

8 Sacrifices That Will Supercharge Your Debt Payoff

They won't seem like sacrifices when debt is no longer hanging over your head.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Emergency Fund

A strong emergency fund is one of the most important keys to financial security. Learn how to build yours.

Big List of Military Discounts

Hundreds of American companies offer discounts to active and veteran service members. Find one of your favorites on this list of 50 popular retailers.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Favorite Dollar Store Buys?

Tell us about your favorite dollar store buys and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Are You Spending Too Much on "Normal" Expenses?

What is normal, anyway? When it comes to your spending, these numbers show how you stack up against the average.

6 Hidden Dangers of Credit Card Balance Transfers

We're advocates of credit balance transfers as part of a debt reduction plan, but that doesn't mean the strategy is risk-free. Here's what to watch out for.

11 Ways to Learn Something New Every Day

Duh, learning something new makes you smarter— and it's fun. Start taking advantage of some great free learning resources today!

15 Grab-and-Go Post-Workout Breakfasts

No time for breakfast … again? Start the day the right way with a quick, nutritious, on-the-go meal that everybody has time for — even you.

35 Bizarre Things You Can Be Taxed On

Uncle Sam always seems to have his hand out — and even expects a cut for these 35 off-the-wall things.