Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

What to Do With a Windfall

You just stumbled upon a big pile of money. Congrats! Here's what you should do with it.

Chinese Proverbs About Money and Personal Finance

A commenter on Wise Bread wrote a Chinese proverb about marketing that reminded me that there are many Chinese proverbs about money and personal finance. Here are a few of the one

The 10 Commandments of Reaching Financial Freedom

We all want to reach financial freedom, but there are rules we need to follow in order to get there.

254 Uses for Vinegar. And Counting.

I began hearing whispers of the incredible versatility of vinegar. So I did some research. I was shocked!

McCain or Obama? Who’ll be better for your wallet?

I want to keep this factual. This is not an article on who should be the next President, or as these campaigns usually go, who shouldn’t be President. This is a simple presentation

8 Times You Should Never Feel Guilty at Work

Has something at work recently left you feeling guilty? Here's the green light to shrug off those feelings.

11 Famous Failures That Led to Success (And the Lessons They Teach)

Winning isn't everything. For these famous failures, losing was the only thing, until they finally won. What can you learn from their mistakes?

The 5 Best Compression Socks

Achieving muscle recovery as an athlete isn't easy, but it can be. Wear any of these compression socks and you'll be able to show off those athletic skills ASAP.

7 Ways to Compare Stock Market Investments

There are thousands of investments out there. If you want to find the "best" ones, you need to learn how to compare them.

Getting Your Travel Rewards on the Ground

You've wrung every mile out of your frequent flyer program. Now wring every cent out of your other rewards programs for your hotel, rental car, and more.

What to Eat Every Day: A Month of Frugal Meals

Planning ahead and cooking at home are two of the best ways to save money. Do both with this guide to one month of tasty, frugal meals.

8 Signs You Need a Social Media Detox

Social media is fun, until it becomes your whole life. If you can relate, it might be time for a social media detox.

Ask the Readers: What Helps You Relax?

Tell us what helps you relax and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

A Complete Guide to Saving at America's Baseball Stadiums

A night at the ballpark shouldn't leave you broke. No matter what stadium you're visiting, learn how to save cash while enjoying America's favorite pastime.

The 5 Best Women’s Rain Boots

Keeping your feet warm and dry on a rainy day isn't easy, but it can be. Get any of these women's rain boots and your feet will stay toasty.

Use only what you need

That’s the advice from a beautifully-executed campaign from Denver Water, right here in my own backyard of Colorado. The campaign (created by Sukle Advertising, a very smart, strat

Seven Lessons Learned from Working Retail

The store that I work at offers a rewards card to frequent shoppers, and there are quite a few people who refuse to sign up for it - I can understand why they wouldn't want to have

The Best Credit Cards for Hotel Deals and Rewards

Savvy travelers know how to stretch travel dollars even more with these hotel rewards credit cards.

8 Ways to Preserve Your Net Worth in Retirement

Financial security is more important in retirement than ever. Want to keep your net worth on the up and up? Here's how.

Recession Journal VI: It's OVER!!!!!!!!!!!! Any Questions?

The recession is technically over, officially over, numerically over. How do you feel now and what are you gonna do about it?