Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Your Couch Can Earn Cash And Support A Band

By now, anyone interested in budget travel has heard of CouchSurfing. While the site has obvious advantages for travelers looking to meet locals and save money, but it can also be

Rewriting the Definition of Retirement

Your life map is so clearly laid out in front of you; yet the last piece of the puzzle – retirement – is a fuzzy and often incomprehensible anomaly. With people living longer and s

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 5/5, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Having a Frugal Mother's Day! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

Get Free Media Software for Your Windows PC

Apple owners can use iLife to manage digital photos, edit home movies, and more; Windows users can do all the same things with awesome free alternatives.

Best Money Tips: Easy Ways to Increase Your Income

Today we found some great articles on ways to increase your income, DIY gifts for the holidays, and guidelines for holiday tipping.

Rebel with a Cause: ING Direct CEO Arkadi Kulhmann Talks Shop

According to Arkadi Kuhlmann, CEO and President of ING Direct and author of "The Orange Code: How ING Direct Succeeded by Being a Rebel with a Cause", credit cards are the opium of

14 Things You Forget to Do Before Leaving for Vacation

Honey? I think I left the oven on.

Best Money Tips: Secrets of Successful Side-Hustlers

Today we found some awesome articles on secrets of successful side-hustlers, tips for new taxpayers, and hacks to help keep your resolutions.

6 Reasons to Visit Your Credit Union on October 20

October 20, 2016 is International Credit Union Day! Why not stop by your local branch and find out if a credit union is right for you?

Best Money Tips: How to Apply for a Loan at a Peer to Peer Lender

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we tell you how to apply for a loan at a peer-to-peer lending site, the six biggest investing mistakes, and how to set up

Are You Listening to TED?

Do you know TED? Have you heard the name? No, this is not a reference to the United airline, or my crazy uncle. This TED is devoted to technology, entertainment and design. TED

You've Been Saving Money All Wrong. Here's Why

Saving money doesn't have to mean living like a monk. Understand the right and the wrong ways to feather your nest egg.

Best Money Tips: Master These Money Skills Before Your 30s

Today we found articles on money management skills that you should master before your 30s, habits of successful introverts, and superfoods for healthy eating in the winter.

6 Things That Seem Like Splurges But Are Actually Savvy Buys

Sometimes spending more for "wasteful" products or services turns out to be the best value — in dollars and sense.

Best Money Tips: How to Tackle Boredom

Today, we give you creative tips to fight the boring in life, save money on your lawn, and get picky eaters to enjoy all sorts of food!

Multitasking Sucks Even More Than You Thought

Here's yet another reason to give up on multitasking — plus a simple productivity plan to do instead to help you get stuff done.

8 Dark-Side Motivations to Start Saving

If the usual motivations to save aren't working (emergencies, big purchases, your future), let your dark side guide your money.

Best Money Tips: Save Money on Must-Have Technology

Today we have some great articles on how to profit from product launches and big sales, ways to save money on everyday purchases, and how to avoid student loans.

Best Money Tips: Legit Sites to Get Free Stuff

Today we found articles on legit sites to get free stuff, hazards that can ruin your vacation, and time management questions to ask yourself in the morning.

Best Money Tips: Get Help With Vet Bills

Today we found some great articles on getting help with vet bills, activities to teach your kids about money, and tips for renting a vacation home.