Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Great Vegan Grill Recipes

Vegans don't have to skip the grill to enjoy great summer food. Rather, there's plenty of grilled vegan fare that will please the meatless and meat-eating alike.

11 Ways to Earn Extra Cash From Thrift Stores

A single parent tight for cash shopped thrift stores to save — until one day he figured out he could earn money thrifting, too. Learn his secrets.

Early Holiday Shopping: Why I Finish by Thanksgiving

Already feeling that pre-holiday stress set in? Get a jump on holiday shopping, and reclaim some of that peace that the holidays are supposed to be about.

Put Off Saving for Retirement

With this plan, your retirement will be just as secure, and your first few years will be a lot more comfortable.

Entrepreneurs Versus Managers: Which are You?

Entrepreneur or manager? Either can build successful businesses. You've just got to know which one you are.

The 5 Best Swim Goggles for Kids

Kids like to explore every inch of the pool, lake, or ocean they're in. Make sure their eyes are protected by getting them any of these swim goggles for kids.

Best Money Tips: The Lifehacker Edition

Today we sought out some of the best lifehack tips from around the web!

Is the New OTC “Alli” Just Money Down the Toilet?

Who couldn’t lose a few pounds? [more]

The World's 5 Most Posh Hostels

Gone are days when Hostel meant "dank crash-pad for young travelers." Behold the Poshtel.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 9/13, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Resumes! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

25 Painless Ways to Save $50 This Year

Little changes can add up to huge savings. From dating to driving, here are 25 painless ways to save $50 in the coming year.

Wise Bread's Guide to Valentine's Day

From great gifts to delicious food to frugal date ideas, discover Wise Bread's favorite ways to celebrate romance.

I Scream, You Scream… I’m Lovin’ FREE Ice Cream!

It has just reached spring temps here in Nebraska, and the ice cream junkie in me has emerged from winter slumber. What better way to feed the

Celebrate Love, Not Money, With These Recycled Valentine's Day Gifts

Leave the Valentine's Day clichés at the store. These fun (and thrifty!) secondhand gifts are sure to please a frugal-hearted partner.

Trent Reznor giving away new Nine Inch Nails album

Music fans of the world, unite. The very cool Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails (or who basically IS Nine Inch Nails), is letting fans download the entire new album The Slip free at

Will house prices keep dropping?

I don't think much of the "buy low, sell high" model for house purchases. I think a house should be purchased as a place to live, in which case the main questions are whether you

7 Lessons I Learned About Money After Living in Mexico

Living abroad can really broaden your horizons, especially when it comes to money.

4 Reasons Why Green is Good, But Isn't Always Better

I'm all for taking care of the world around us. Is it possible, however, that we've taken “green” issues at more than their face value? Do we accidentally limit our discernment a

Start The School Year Off Right: A Few Frugal Tips for Getting Through the Fall

School clothes, school supplies, sign-up fees and more: the cost of education, whether public or private, seems to go up every year. As long as it's for your son or daughter's educ

Make Guerrilla Job Hunting Work for You

Any job search can seem brutal and competitive. Here's how to stand out without going overboard.