Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Homemade Child Products That Are Cheaper and Better Than Store Bought

Kid stuff is expensive! You'll save a lot and wind up with better kid stuff if you make these common products at home, instead of buy.

6 Surprising Health Benefits of Growing a Garden

Gardening is good for mind, body, and soul!

Frugal Oscar Party Ideas

Trying to imitate Hollywood luxury can make your Oscars-watching party cost the same as a big-budget film. Here's how to celebrate for less.

5 Ways the Ebola Outbreak Could Hurt the Economy — And Your Wallet

While you probably don't have to worry contracting Ebola yourself, the deadly virus certainly may infect your finances.

10 Money Moves You Need to Make Before the End of the Year

Holiday season is also year end financial season. Take a break from holiday craziness and spend some you time prepping your money for 2015.

7 Free Perks You Should Ask for on Your Next Flight

There are plenty of cool things you can get to make your flight more comfy. All you need to do is ask.

101 Tips From Top 50 Small Business Bloggers

We asked around 50 of the top small business bloggers to give a couple of their best quick tips for small business owners, and the response was incredible. Some are short nuggets o

6 Perks You Should Be Demanding From Your Employer

If the checker at your local Wegman's is getting tuition paid by the company, shouldn't you be, too?

The Top 5 ETFs You Should Buy Now

Exchange traded funds are popular due to low cost and diversification potential. Consider adding these five funds to your IRA or 401(k).

Best Money Tips: Beat Food Price Inflation

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to beat food price inflation, personal finance basics for new grads, and how to sell your home without a realtor.

15 Personal Finance Rules You Should Be Breaking

Rules are made to be broken — even supposedly ironclad personal finance rules. Find out when it's okay to skirt money management law.

4 Signs You Need a CFO

Hiring a CFO is one of the most important decisions a CEO or business owner can make. Here are a few of the signs you need to bring a finance executive onboard.

8 Unexpected Ways Cheaper Gas Is Boosting Your Pocketbook

Gas prices are at their lowest levels in years. Are you taking advantage?

12 Bathroom Hacks You Can't Live Without!

Everybody goes, so make your privy as pleasant as possible. These simple tricks make bathroom visits cleaner, quieter, and even more fun.

How to Build a Great Reputation from Scratch

A good reputation is a small business's best asset. Acquiring one when starting out requires creative thinking and a little hard work.

Best Money Tips: Hidden Sources of Toxins in Your Home

Today we found some great articles on hidden sources of toxins in your home, signs your aging parents need help with their finances, and mind-blowing life hacks from Instagram.

Best Money Tips: Ways for Kids to Save Money

Today we found some great articles on ways for kids to save money, improving your life, and ways you could be sabotaging your retirement.

7 Ways to Lower Your Credit Card Interest Rate

It might be time for better credit terms. With a little planning, you can negotiate your way to lower credit card interest rates.

11 Ways to Incorporate Video into Your Business

The Internet has driven down many business costs, including the cost of delivering your message via video.

4 Ways to Treat Your Customers Like People

Your customers are people, too. So treat them that way!