Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

One Way to Combat High Prices - Just Run Out of Gas

A story recently appearing in the Atlanta Journal Constitution told of a growing trend in the metro Atlanta area - people running out of gas. This is probably to be expected consi

8 Ways You're Being a Terrible Customer

The customer is always right, right? Wrong! Don't be a terrible customer.

8 Spectacular Uses for that Lone Can of Fruit

It doesn’t matter what it is: plums, fruit cocktail, or an awkward can of cranberries – it can sit there for years if not put to a creative use. When pennies must be pinched, the

How to Minimize the Cost of Living When Moving: The Cost of Living Myth

Cost of living is an important consideration when moving to a new location. Nevertheless, there are many false assumptions regarding the cost of living differences.

Gifts For Grads

Around springtime last year, as my niece’s university graduation date loomed, I picked out (but waited to buy) what I thought would be an ideal gift: a watch with her alma mater’s

How to Recycle your Clothes, Shoes, Electronics, and More

We have so much STUFF. Cell phones that don’t work any more. Batteries that won’t charge any more. Shoes that have holes in them. The list goes on. We don’t want to throw this old

You Are Lying to Yourself About Your Money

Most of us agree that other people fail at personal finance, but we think our own finances are fine. That's the first of many lies we tell about our money.

United World College: Study Abroad For Way Less Than You Think

Does your high school-aged child want something different? Are they smart, motivated, and looking for new challenges? They may find what they are looking for in the two-year United

What Is Your Auto-Reply Email Telling People About You?

It’s a common practice: You leave the office for any amount of time (a week, an hour, etc) and you set up a nice little out-of-office email reply so people don’t wonder why you hav

The Needless 9: Insane Luxury Items For You to Laugh At

Some luxury products are so outrageous the only logical response is to laugh. Check out the sports car hovercraft, gold toilet paper, and privates insurance!

7 Essential Tools for Getting Work Done -- Anywhere!

Sometimes you just have to get out of the office to ever get any work done! When you're on the go, or are working from home, what are the best tools to keep you productive and in

Best Money Tips: How to Curb the Urge to Buy

Today, we have a method to help you stop buying things on impulse, tips for price-matching savings, ways to spend less on organic food, and more!

How to Attend a Wedding for Cheap (Without Actually Looking Cheap)

Even simply attending a wedding these days is expensive. Trim the cost without insulting your hosts with these simple expense-savers.

Best Money Tips: Natural Ways to Sleep Better

Today, we share tips to help you get a good night's sleep, make room in your fridge for all the a holiday cooking, avoid the pitfalls of online holiday shopping, and more!

14 Valentine’s Day Desserts That Hit the (Sweet) Spot

No Valentine's Day is complete without a from-the-heart happy ending, and these easy recipes are sure to put sugar-coated smile on your sweetie's face.

7 Times You're Wasting Mental Energy Without Realizing It

Feeling exhausted? Nearing burnout? It may be because of these unexpected drags on your mental energy. Get rid of them and get more energy.

4 Reasons Why Millennials Should Be Optimistic About Their Finances

The Great Recession slowed young people's financial growth, but with today's economy, they're making up for lost time. Are you better off now, too?

11 Home and Houseware Upgrades That Prove You're Finally a Grownup

You're officially a grownup when these decor items and appliances are in your house — and you don't have to go broke getting them!

Debt Ceiling Contingency Plans

What will the Treasury do if there's no increase in the debt ceiling, and what should you do with your investments?

Stop! Is That Loan Too Big For Your Wallet?

You need to borrow money for a big purchase — how much can you really afford to borrow? Use these financial rules of thumb to find out.