Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

15 Refreshing Ways to Use Mint

Mint is more than just delicious. Discover 15 great ways to use this herb, from refreshing your skin to controlling pests.

Ask the Readers: Do Your Kids Have Chores?

Tell us if your kids have chores and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Don't Greenwash Your Holiday

From hybrid car rentals to carbon offsets, green hotels to conservation oriented vacation packages, the number of options now available to the environmentally conscious traveler ar

Best Money Tips: 3 Proven Steps to Get Rich

Today we found helpful articles on steps anyone can take to become rich, tips for grocery shopping when you’re single, and cool car hacks to try out.

Too many online accounts? You need an aggregator.

From Twitter to Digg, emails to IM and let's not forget all those social networking sites, its easy to get bogged down just by logging on. Fortunately, you can keep your online

Book review: The Adventures of Johnny Bunko

Do you need a career guide? And, if so, do you need one written as manga? It almost doesn't matter--Daniel H. Pink has written one, and it's got enough good lessons packed into a

Best Money Tips: Questions to Ask When Buying a Used Car

Today we found some fantastic articles on questions to ask when buying a used car, summer fun for frugalists, and resume tips and tricks.

8 Ways You're Being a Terrible Customer

The customer is always right, right? Wrong! Don't be a terrible customer.

Flashback Friday: The 95 Best Ways to Get Fit for Free

Getting in great shape shouldn't cost you an arm and a leg. Here's how to get fit for zero dollars.

My Favorite Guides to Frugal Living Are Not Guides to Frugal Living

Want to turn friends on to the frugal lifestyle without scaring them away? Ease them in with my favorite books that are not in-your-face anti-spending books, yet teach a lot of gre

5 International Destinations You Can Visit for $50 a Day

Imagine traveling to an exotic country for less than the cost of a one week all-inclusive resort. Here are five places where that's possible!

Best Money Tips: Fastest Ways to Make Cheap, Healthy Meals

Today we found helpful articles on the fastest ways to prepare cheap and healthy meals, insurance add-ons that are worth it, and things that every college grad needs to know.

Frugality goes international

The existence of a strong frugality movement in rich countries may be more of a surprise to people in the poor countries than the other way around. Still, with the economy the way

3 Surprising Ways to Save on Wireless Bills

Cell phone voice and data charges can climb in a hurry. Keep your cell data bill manageable by managing your plan, and your usage, more cleverly.

How to Use New Toys to Teach Kids About Money

For savvy parents looking to teach valuable lessons in frugality, opportunities abound — even in the toybox.

Best Money Tips: A Better You

This week, Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup gives a shout out to fellow bloggers who have dedicated their blog posts to increased productivity, time management, life improve

5 Easy Ways to Take Better Care of Your Back

Back pain can make even the simplest tasks painful and difficult. Keep your back healthy and pain free with these simple health and fitness tricks.

Down-To-Earth Financial Advice From A Mountain-Climbing Adviser

I just finished reading The New Coffeehouse Investor by financial adviser Bill Schultheis. He's an index-fund investor and discusses his rationale for investing in non-managed fund

A Consumerist Editor Talks About How to Tackle Inept Customer Service

You're not imagining it — customer service is getting worse. But Consumerist Deputy Editor Chris Morran has a few suggestions to help you get the service you need.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Get a Cheap Gym Membership

Today we found some fantastic articles on getting a cheap gym membership, cutting your wedding bill, and things you should and shouldn't buy at Whole Foods.