Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Ways to Build Retirement Stability in Your 50s

Your 50s are no time to slow down your financial progress. These critical money moves could save your retirement.

Best Store Credit Cards

Retail branded credit cards may be a wise choice for loyal customers. But what about department store credit cards?

4 Mindful Spending Habits That Will Save You Money

These mindful spending strategies can help you resist those impulse buys.

Ask the Readers: Are You On Track for Retirement?

Tell us whether you're on track for retirement and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

The Case for Expensive Shoes

Many cost-conscious consumers cling to a short list of must-haves that are worth purchasing no matter the price. High-quality shoes should make the cut every recession.

7 Steps to Improving Your Critical Thinking

With all the information we're faced with every day, it can be hard to know what's what. These seven steps will help you get closer to the truth.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Favorite Healthy Snacks?

Tell us about your favorite healthy snacks and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5 Stocks to Buy If You Love the Earth

If you love all things green — that is, both the earth and making money — these eco-conscious stocks are for you.

Ask the Readers: Have You Ever Been Audited by the IRS?

Tell us whether you have ever been audited by the IRS and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

10 Repairs That Aren't Your Landlord's Responsibility

One of the best things about renting is that most problems aren't yours — they're the landlord's. But not these.

How to Spring Clean Your Whole Life — One Step at a Time

Spring cleaning can seem overwhelming, but there is a way to organize your entire life, one step at a time.

9 Reasons Why the U.S. Economy Is Kicking the World's Butt

Can you feel it? No, not spring — the springiness of the U.S. economy. Learn why it's doing so well, and how you might benefit, too.

15 Delicious Ways to Prepare a Humble Head of Cabbage

A staple in frugal pantries the world over, cabbage is full of nutrients, low in pesticides, and inexpensive. Add cabbage to your diet with one of these classic preparations.

Ask the Readers: Are You Ready for Tax Season?

Tell us whether you're ready for tax season and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

6 Ways to Protect Yourself From a Lost Gift Card

A gift card is like cash — your bank won't replace what you lose. Save yourself some hassle (and your coffee order!) with some simple gift card security.

6 Surprising Ways a Houseplant Can Save You Money

A little greenery can go a long way! Add a houseplant or two, and you might be surprised at the savings.

8 Common Causes of Debt — And How to Avoid them

Millions of Americans are saddled with debt. To truly get rid of it, you need to get to the root of the problem.

9 Ways to Vet Your New Employer

Your potential new employer wants to know everything about you. Do you know everything you need to know about them?

The stuff I try never to buy new

I don't like buying new. It's not that I consider myself to be some kind of Scrooge. I just have a hard time paying more for something than I need to, and often we take tha

Get Free Hotel Stays with Wyndham's Best Rate Guarantee

Yesterday my super cheap ex-boyfriend told me that I would be proud of him.