Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 5 Best Conditioners

Keeping your hair soft and silky isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these conditioners and your coif will always look gorgeous.

How to Ace Your Next Coffee Interview

More and more employers are interviewing prospects in less formal settings. Here's how to shine at your meeting without spilling any coffee.

7 Unnecessary Household Expenses You Can Cut Today

If your family doesn't examine these 7 common household expenses, you are wasting way too much money.

Save Enough on Meat to Buy a Chest Freezer

I ended my worries over where our beef comes from by investing in a quarter cow and a chest freezer. I considered the cost of the freezer as the cost of having the hormone-free, no

I Went Christmas Shopping With Fake Money

I got all my husband's gifts with fake money -- and didn't break the law, either. I used store rewards, coupons, PayPal, Swagbucks and other bits and ends of things to give him a f

Why You Need a Time Budget — and How to Create It

If time is money, wouldn't a budget help you manage your time, too? Of course it would! Get started building your time budget now!

The Best Time of the Day to Do Everything

Are you a morning person or a night person? It might not matter. Discover how science says you should structure your day for the best results.

The 5 Best Touchless Trash Cans

Avoiding germs when dealing with trash isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these touchless trash cans and you can dispose of waste without any of the grime.

What You Need to Know About the Easiest Way to Save for Retirement

Target-date funds are an easy way to "set and forget" your retirement savings. But they have a few downsides, too.

Cash Might Make You Happier, But Investments Will Make You Richer

Having a lot of cash on hand might put a smile on your face, but if it's long-term wealth you're after, you need to invest.

10 Fun Hobbies You Can Take Up for Free

You could kill a couple of hours every evening watching the tube. Or you could take up one of these fabulous, fun, and free pastimes.

Long Term Care Insurance for Wise Bloggers

You, your parents, or your siblings may at some point, at any age, need help with the daily tasks of living. Who will provide this help, and at what cost? Long Term Care (LTC) ins

The 8 Shopping Apps That'll Actually Save You Money in 2016

Couponing keeps getting easier and easier. Whether at the supermarket or your favorite store, these eight apps can save you big bucks.

Me too, Secretary Paulson!

Dear Secretary Paulson: I've looked over the fact sheet on the proposal to give the Treasury the authority to purchase "troubled assets," and although I have some doubts about th

The 5 Best Chainsaws

Whether you need to trim a tree or cut up firewood, a chainsaw can help you make short work of it. Here are our picks for the five best.

9 Quick Workouts You Can Do During Commercial Breaks

Turn TV time into a real workout by adding these quick, but intense fitness routines to your viewing habit.

FREE bowling balls - just pay shipping

A quick deal for you everyone. I'm not sure how bad or good your bowling is, but mine is rotten. I don't blame the balls, I blame myself for not doing it often enough. Oh,

Frugal Factors: What Traits Do Most Savers Share?

We're all individuals, each with our own reasons for living frugally — but we're alike in some very important ways.

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Speed Reading: A Book Review

For many, time is money, and so it shouldn’t surprise me that there is now an official guide on how to read more in less time. I had always been curious about the science of speed

10 Smart and Frugal Uses for Epsom Salt

Instead of buying expensive cleaners and beauty products, you can save a ton of cash if you use good old fashioned epsom salt instead.