Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Save a Fortune When Buying a Car

Today we found some great articles on saving a fortune when buying a car, Black Friday sales to shop now, and sensible saving tips for a family.

These 8 Everyday Buys Will Be Cheaper This Summer

While rising temps can also lead to rising costs of everyday items, these eight things will actually be cheaper this summer. Stock up!

Turn Last Year's Taxes Into This Year's Financial Spring Cleaning

Don't shove all your tax paperwork back in the drawer just yet. Go the rest of the way to a better financial future with a few simple steps.

The Ultimate Cheapskate, Jeff Yeager, Tonight on Blog Talk Radio!

Jeff’s humorous (and sometimes rough) way of sharing frugality has been popular among many of our readers. We’ve got the exclusive interview you won’t want to miss! Hear Jeff sha

Best Money Tips: Don't Fall for These Black Friday Tricks

Today we found some stellar articles on Black Friday tricks you shouldn't fall for, working part time in college, and frugal Christmas decorations.

9 Reasons Your IT Person Is a Super Hero

Every company has an IT person and that person is probably taken for granted. See why these pros are actually superheroes, saving you more than you know.

Avoid These 5 Common Mistakes While Rebuilding Your Credit

It takes hard work to give your credit score a kick in the pants. Don't sabotage it with these five screw-ups.

10 Fun Ways to Celebrate Valentine's Day With Kids

When you have children, Valentine's Day isn't always about flowers and romance, but it can still be fun.

How to Travel This Holiday Season Without Getting Sick

Get where you're going without picking up any bacteriological hitchhikers by using these holiday travel precautions.

The Best and Worst Things to Buy in December

It's almost impossible to NOT shop in December. Keep your holiday cheer level high by shopping wisely.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 12/26, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Holiday Gift Recap! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate!

The 5 Best Pet Flea Medications

Keeping your pets flea-free during the summer isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these pet flea medications and those pesky fleas will remain at bay.

Make Your Own Eco-Friendly Dryer Sheets

Putting on soft clothes that just came out of the dryer is great — but traditional dryer sheets are filled with chemicals. Instead, make this eco-friendly version.

Best Money Tips: How to Become a Morning Person

Today we found some awesome articles on becoming a morning person, ways to avoid common bank fees, and financial resolutions to keep in 2014.

24 Helpful Travel Hacks to Make Flying Stress-Free

From drop-off at the curb to touchdown at your destination, flying is filled with stress inducers. Take the edge off with some simple relaxers.

Recession Journal Part III: How Low Can We Go and When Will We Get There?

In order for the economy to turn around it has to hit what so many investment experts and economic forecasters call the "bottom," but what is it, this bottom, what does it look lik

10 Myths Non-Business People Believe About Business

Many people have great excuses for not starting a business: I need a great idea. I don't have a business plan. Learn the truth about these myths and why they shouldn't hold you ba

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 9/22, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Saving on Food! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

Simple Living: Overcoming Negative Inertia

Have you ever found yourself wasting time when you know there's something you could be doing that means a lot to you? I know I find myself there all the time. What we rarely do is

How to Stop Being Afraid and Live Your Dreams

We know we have to put ourselves out there, but rejection and failure are hard. Learn how to overcome that fear and reach for what you want.