Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Lifestyle Changes That Will Always Pay Off

Change is never easy — but the results are almost always worth the effort.

How to Land the Job When You're Overqualified

When you're young, lack of experience hampers your job search. Later on, too much experience can be equally debilitating. What do you do if you're overqualified?

10 Ways to Act Like a Leader -- And Get Ahead at Work

Office teamwork boosts morale and creates an overall happier environment. Step up and be the team player every workplace needs!

The Dirty Secrets of Food Processing. Strong Stomach required.

These food processing secrets will make you think twice about where your grocery money goes.

The Best Secured Cards with No Annual Fee

Secured credit cards are known for their high fees, but there are a few cards with no fees, even no annual fee!

9 Ways to Save Money on Your Cup of Coffee

Few of us can start the day without a morning jolt. Make your daily cup of joe even better with some easy ways to spend less on coffee.

Get Ready for Christmas: 7 Things You Should Do Today

It can be frustrating to see stores roll out Christmas displays so early, but you can save money and sanity if you start thinking about the holidays now too.

Manage your fixed expenses

When you think of people ruining their lives with foolish spending, it's easy to focus on the little things that add up--the meals out, the hefty bar tab, the daily Starbucks habit

6 "As Seen on TV" Kitchen Gadgets That Are Actually Worth the Money

You've seen the ads and no doubt groaned. But wait! These TV gadgets for the kitchen may actually do what's promised. Click now!

The 5 Best Counterop Burners

Stovetop cramped and you need an extra burner? These five excellent countertop burners can give you the cooking freedom you've been yearning for.

The 9 Types of Horrible Bosses – And How to Manage Them

Unless you work for yourself, you answer to a boss — who may be doing more harm to your career than good. Beware these nine toxic bosses!

What Every Retirement Saver Should Know About Required Minimum Distributions

Uncle Sam hasn't forgotten about your tax-deferred retirement accounts. When you turn 70½, he'll come knocking.

Surprising Charitable Tax Deductions

If you're generous, make sure you get all the tax breaks coming to you. From car mileage to meals, you might be surprised by what you can deduct.

Back to School: Saving on College Textbooks

Fancy meals. A weekend away. A new wardrobe. These are some of the things that can cost LESS than new college textbooks. Save with these tips.

How to Add an Extra Destination to Your Next Trip for Free

Stopovers are a little-known way of getting more destinations out of your trip. Here's how to score one on your next journey.

Miss the Big Sale? Claim Your Savings Anyway

Use these techniques to haggle your way to savings, even if you miss a sale.

Which Retirement Account Is Right for You?

We all know that saving for retirement is of key importance. But how do you pick the right plan for you?

4 Money Lessons We Can Learn From J.K. Rowling

J.K. Rowling knows a thing or two about muggle money struggles. After all, she once had her share.

Get a Grip on Your Debt: How to Obtain a Clear, Concise Financial Snapshot

Before we can tackle our debt problems, we need to know from where we are starting.

8 Easy Health and Fitness Tricks for Travelers

Don't kiss healthy habits goodbye just because you're on vacation! Try these simple routines to stay fit when you're far from home.