Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Steps Toward Financial Independence

Although the process is mostly straightforward, it's always good to remember exactly what it takes to achieve financial independence.

The 12 Best Frozen Food Values

Don't turn up your nose to frozen fruits and vegetables and other foods — they're delicious and cheap. Stock up on these dozen frugal frozen eats.

Turn brass pennies into gold.

This alchemist turns pennies into gold.

8 Ways to Be a Better Human by Living Like a Vampire

If you can look past their blood thirst and fundamental moral depravity, vampires have a lot to teach us about being human.

Seven Ways to be the Life of Every Party

Have you ever been to a party where there’s this one person who seems to make it around the room? They flit from group to group, leaving everybod

5 Surprising Ways to Save Money During Your Pregnancy

Save thousands of dollars with these tips from a mom who has been through it all.

11 Loyalty Rewards Programs You Didn't Know Existed

You probably already save with your grocery store's loyalty program. Find out where else you can save (as much as 25%!) just by getting a loyalty card.

How to Use British Airways Points on U.S. Flights

Believe it or not, you can put those British Airways points to good use on U.S. flights.

Giving is Better Than Blogging... or IS it?

Giving is better than receiving. I do sincerely believe this, as much as I like receiving. And I do like getting stuff. You know that old saying about giving a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day... [more]

Re-Age Your Credit Card Debt to Protect Your Credit Score

Re-aging your credit can be good or bad depending on the circumstances. Learn when you want your credit re-aged and how to make it happen.

4 Ways Credit Cards Manipulate You Into More Debt

We humans aren't always rational. Learn four psychological tricks credit card companies use to capitalize on your irrationality and maximize your debt.

When NOT to put money in your 401(k)

The twin advantages of tax deferral and a corporate match make the 401(k) the foundation of most people's savings plan. Putting in enough to get the maximum corporate match is

5 Ways to Get Through Airport Security Faster

Save time and reduce stress by using these tips to speed through airport security whenever you travel.

7 Smart Ways to Save on a Wedding Dress

Planning your big day doesn't have to be stressful — and it doesn't have to bust your budget. It's time to get savvy about your wedding dress!

6 Small Business Pitfalls, and How to Avoid Them: PART ONE

The world of small business is vast and rife with pitfalls. The opportunities are as great as the hazards, and no matter which way you slice it, running a small business takes a lo

ReFi Shy? How to Determine If Now Is the Time to Refinance

As interest rates head north, homeowners are wondering if the timing is right to refinance. Here's how to find out.

How I Saved Enough for a Down Payment While Working in China

You don't have to give up lifetime financial goals to live the life of an expat. Take your frugal living skills along for the journey, and save big.

Receiving Your Tax Refund in Savings Bonds

If you qualify for a tax refund this year, getting it in the form of U.S. Savings Bonds can be a great way to jump-start or augment your savings.

Shop the Salad Bar and Other Ways to Save Big on Groceries

You've probably already tried all the possible ways to save money at the grocery store, right? Not yet you haven't!

How to Find the Savings Strategy That Works For You

The path to saving money is as diverse as it is customizable. Are you following the best path for you?