Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

I Got Duped! Dealing With Credit Card and Merchant Disputes

So you bought an awesome thing-a-ma-jiggy or service with your credit card. But when you got it home you discovered the item doesn't work, the service was a heist, or the

Would you end your marriage for $100,000?

How about $200k? Or $500k? Well, I guess it all depends on the state of your marriage, but the bigger question is this: what would you do for money? I ask because I’m getting a lit

"Stapler. Stapler." - FREE $20 Swingline Stapler

If you're a fan of Office Space (shame on you if you're not) you will know of Milton's obsession with his Swingline stapler. Well, in exchange for about 2 minutes of yo

Laddering for higher, more stable returns

When investing in things that pay an interest rate--things like CDs and bonds--it's tempting to try to get the maximum interest rate, and then to try to lock up that rate for a

10 Stocks That Are Actually Having a Good Year

The Stock Market stumbled into 2016, pulled down by cheap oil and worries about China. Despite all that, these stocks are stepping lively into spring.

The Easiest Way to Save Money on Vacation

It’s the easiest thing to do, and yet the hardest. But employ this technique, and not only will your wallet thank you, but so will your family and friends back home.

Coverdell Education Savings Accounts

The Coverdell Education Savings Account (also known as the Coverdell ESA) is a college savings option that allows you to save money towards your child's college expenses with tax a

Free Videos Offer Stress Relief and Relaxation

The next time you're stressed, visit YouTube and search for "ASMR." A few minutes watching a woman read a magazine may just leave you tingly — and relaxed.

Best Online Sites for Building Wealth

No need to shell out for a financial planner or risk going it alone. The Internet has all the tools you need to build your own wealth.

Best Money Tips: Gifts for Women That Won't Break the Bank

Today we found some stellar articles on gifts for women that won't break the bank, donating without spending money, and plugging personal finance leaks.

Can't Afford a Home Alarm System? You Probably Already Have One

Home alarm systems can be expensive. A basic alarm system can be hundreds of dollars, but chances are you already own a pretty good alternative. Where Cheap is Chic is a free service that helps consumers find the best of the cheapest items, weeding out cheap junk in favor of quality inexpensive items. Just because it is cheap, doe

Best Money Tips: Essential Steps to Take Before a Job Interview

Today we found some awesome articles on essential steps to take before a job interview, reducing stress in your life, and making money for your monthly bills.

Home Delivery: Local and Long Distance

If your interests in simplicity and frugality have as much to do with protecting the environment and using less resources as they do with saving money, give some thought to revi

6 Top iPhone Apps for Voracious Readers

These 6 super apps will help you read more on the go, get more from the text you do read, and make each juicy word more enriching.

Would You Move to One of These States to Avoid Taxes?

Seven U.S. states boast zero income tax. But, would the relocation actually save you money in the long run?

7 Frugal Lessons from Great-Grandmother

You don't have to look far for great frugal living tips, just back a couple of generations.

Best Money Tips: Avoid These Foods to Sleep Better

Today we found articles on foods to avoid if you want to sleep better, ways to get free samples from Walmart, and things that first-time homebuyers need to know.

Frugal Oscar Party Ideas

Trying to imitate Hollywood luxury can make your Oscars-watching party cost the same as a big-budget film. Here's how to celebrate for less.

The Top 5 ETFs You Should Buy Now

Exchange traded funds are popular due to low cost and diversification potential. Consider adding these five funds to your IRA or 401(k).