Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

High-ROI Networking

Networking is one of the most cost-effective forms of marketing, but there is a potential dark side: It can become a huge time drain without producing proportionate results.

Best Money Tips: Get a Great Deal at a Car Dealership

Today we found some great articles on getting a great deal at a car dealership, no-cost ways to spend your birthday, and how to save money on food.

10 Smart Storage Solutions for Your TV Room

A media or TV room (or corner) quickly becomes a cluttered eyesore — cables, DVD boxes, controllers. Corral it all with some simple fixes.

Best Money Tips: Maximize a Hobby and Earn Extra Income

Today we found some great articles on maximizing a hobby to earn extra income, how to improve your credit score, and 45 ways to save money.

12 New Ways to Use Fresh Herbs in the Kitchen

Don't let your herb garden go to seed. Learn how to use and store your bounty all summer long — and beyond.

Wise Bread on Marketplace: A Frugal Valentine's Day

Celebrate Valentine's Day frugally — our Editor's segment on American Public Media's Marketplace Money tells you how (even if it's at the last minute).

Best Money Tips: How to Stop Overeating in 3 Easy Steps

Today we found great articles on how to stop overeating in three easy steps, the things you can leave outside the fridge, and ridiculously simple kitchen projects.

Does a plastic cork make for a lousy wine?

I remember the first time my mother opened a bottle of wine that featured a plastic cork. She gasped audibly; the family gathered in the kitchen, where we took turns poking at this

Grandpa’s Penny: “If you never spend it, you’ll never be broke!”

With the holiday season upon us, it seems everyone just wants us to buy. Apply my Grandpa's simple principle to avoid drowning in purchases.

Best Money Tips: Eat Well for Less

Today we found some fantastic articles on eating well for less, Black Friday 2012 deals, and making your Christmas budget go farther.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 8/30, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Having a Frugal Labor Day Weekend! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

And did you do it with respect?

A few years back, I read a profile of a holistic fitness guru.  There was a sidebar with a little quiz

Best Money Tips: How to Stop Buying so Many "Wants"

Today we found some awesome articles on how to stop buying so many "wants," saving money and the planet, and correcting the wrong money lessons.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 12/6 at 12pm PST/3pm EST for a Chance to Win $100 in Prizes!

Topic: Questions First-Time Homebuyers Should Ask! Join our conversation with Ilyce Glink for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat and #ThinkGlink to participate!

Making Your Own Luck is No "Secret"

It's a much older secret than "The Secret," and much truer: Most lucky people are good planners and good decision makers. To a non-planner, a broken-down car is lousy

Why the Boycott Isn’t Working

I hear it all the time. Some disgruntled consumer, employee, patron or the like decides that a boycott is in order. In theory, a

Relax And Conquer

A recruiter friend once told me that a good manager is one who gets things done and honors appointments or at least calls and reschedules, but a true executive makes time for prior

Why save during an inflation?

You can always tell when inflation has become ingrained in an economy--you start hearing people say, "Buy now before the price goes up!" I remember hearing that a lot in the late

Women Are Responsible For Inequalities in the Workplace

It’s not news that women tend to hit glass ceilings in the workplace far sooner than men do. It’s also not news that women tend to earn less money than their male counterparts in e

Best Money Tips: Free Activities to Get Your Creative Juices Flowing

Today we found some fantastic articles on free activities to get your creative juices flowing, what to do if you lose your job, and talking about money with your honey.