Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 5 Best Foot Creams

Keeping your feet soft isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these five foot creams and your feet will be crack-free.

Wise Bread & Cricket Wireless Team Up To Answer Your Financial Questions!

To ask us a question, simply tweet the question with hashtag #CricketTips.

87% of Homebuyers Think They Know How Much Home They Can Afford (But They Really Don't)

Survey shows most homebuyers don't know how much their down payment will be. Are you one of them?

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 12/19, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Frugal New Year's Eve Celebrations! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate!

My Budget Challenge 2016: How to Live Frugally When You Have No Time

Sure, saving money takes time and effort. When it comes to living frugally, if you make the time, you'll find the money.

Best Money Tips: 123 Ways to Save Money

Today we found some fantastic articles on 123 ways to save money, avoiding debt in the New Year, and toxic habits to drop.

Little Known Trick to Getting Exclusive Travel Discounts and Rewards

Get more discounts and savings for travel when you use credit card websites.

14 Things You Forget to Do Before Leaving for Vacation

Honey? I think I left the oven on.

Banish Stress: Easy Ways to Get Calm Now and Forever

The pressure's on! Learn how to relax and stay calm at crunchtime, and learn how to manage stress over the long haul to make crunchtime less frequent and intense.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Save Money With a Super Busy Schedule

Today we found articles on ways to save money when you have a very busy schedule, things you shouldn't do on social media, and a DIY dry carpet cleaner to freshen your rugs.

5 Best Amazon Deals for Thursday 01/16

Today's deals include 50% off Lucky Brand Jeans, 50% Off Timbuk2 Lifestyle Bags, 80% Off Round Black Diamond Necklace, and more!

Stupid Tax Return Mistakes That Will Get You Audited

Even if you're using tax preparation software or a service, you may find yourself caught in an audit if you commit any of these costly mistakes.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Save Money on Childcare Services

Today we found some great articles on saving on childcare services, increasing your chances of getting an email response, and making cheap foods taste delicious.

How to Get Someone to Accept Your LinkedIn Invitation

You really can add professional acquaintances to your network, even if you've never met. Here's how.

Get the Job You Want With the Right Professional Image

Who are you? Make sure everybody knows your story with these keys to personal brand development.

5 Politicians Who Struggled With Debt

Money woes can strike just about anyone, even those who would seek to lead us. Would you vote for these five debtors?

Caption This Wise Bread Family Photo and Win $50!

Yup, those are my boys. Help me caption this Linsey family photo for a chance to win $50 Amazon gift certificate.

5 Ways to Get Junk Gone

The beginning of the new year always seems like a good time to get rid of things that you've been meaning to. But some junk you just can't get rid of on Freecyle or Craigslist. He

6 Reasons to Visit Your Credit Union on October 20

October 20, 2016 is International Credit Union Day! Why not stop by your local branch and find out if a credit union is right for you?

Sex Up Your Sandwich: Ideas for Budget Conscious Brown Baggers

Spice up your lunch with these affordable sandwich ideas that are flavorful and way more exciting than your average baloney or ham loaf.