Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Make Money Recycling: Get Paid to Recycle by 15 Websites

Can you could use some cash for your old broken cell phones, laptops, or ink cartridges? These companies actually pay you to recycle.

How to Stay on Budget While Eating Paleo

Eating like a cave man can be surprisingly expensive. Use these tips to eat paleo wisely, without blowing your budget.

101 Ways to Save Money on Clothes

Get smarter about shopping, mending, laundering, and lots more, and you can cut your clothing budget while still looking sharp. Here's how.

5 Budget Overhaul Tricks for the Recently Unemployed

The moment you lose a job, you need to make sure your budget reflects that major change.

7 Ways to Travel More in Retirement

You're officially a retiree! Now that you can see the world, here's how to do it right.

3 Reasons Taking a Loan For Your Wedding Is a Bad Idea

A big wedding comes with a hefty price tag. Borrowing to pay for it will have you saying "I do" to years of debt, too.

Original Ways to Use Original Dawn

I love to use household products in various unique ways, so I was thrilled to learn about some new-to-me hacks for the

25 Ways to Say Thanks

A sincere "thank you" can mean a lot — here are 25 wholehearted, creative, and frugal ways to make it happen.

New Tools for the Unbanked

Lack of access to the banking system has been an expensive burden on the poor. Just recently, a surge in new financial products make it a lot less expensive to be unbanked.

12 Smart Uses for Safety Pins

The humble safety pin can do more than just conceal clothing tears. Dig a couple out from the bottom of the drawer and put them to work!

How to Evaluate a Neighborhood Before You Buy

When you move into a new place, you're moving into a new neighborhood, too. Discover how to find out if it's right for you before you buy or rent.

Stuff We Love: Comfortable, Stylish Clarks Dress Shoes for Men

You won't confuse a pair of Clarks for a pair of Brunos. But then, a pair of Clarks won't drain your bank account and leave you footsore at the end of the day, either.

The 5 Best Standing Desks

There's more to a standing desk than the extra height. Find out which desks rank the best durability, sustainability, and adjustability!

Is This the Best Search Engine Ever for New & Used Cars?

The site is one I found quite by accident.The site is called It's only in Beta right now, but the results are a

Farewell to Homeownership: Lessons to Share

Losing your home is not the end of all things. In fact, it could be the beginning of something better. Learn from one writer's experience.

I Pay for Things You Get for Free

Yup, I pay for things you get for free...and I save a lot of money in the process. Here's how you can do it too.

A whopping 6lb cheeseburger for free...if you can finish it.

Actually, I'm being a little untruthful. The full weight of the burger is closer to NINE POUNDS. 6lbs is just the meat. You have to admit it, Americans do everything bigger...but is it better? [more]

Americans' savings rate up to almost 7% - who benefits?

According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the personal savings rate in May 2009 was 6.9%. This a 15 year high and a far cry from the negative savings rates of just a few yea

5 Common Logic Traps You May Be Falling For

The human brain is a curious thing. See if you're being held back by one of these notorious logic traps.

8 Sacrifices That Will Supercharge Your Debt Payoff

They won't seem like sacrifices when debt is no longer hanging over your head.