Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Dilutions of Grandeur: Stretch Your Food at Every Meal

Learn how the power of creative diluting can make your meals taste better and extend your food budget.

How to Successfully Negotiate Everything With Your Kid

Negotiation is a key financial skill many of us don't learn until we're adults. Here's how to teach your kids the basics.

5 Ways Millennials Can Become Bosses Sooner

Millennials don't shy from a challenge — climbing the corporate ladder, included. Are you ready for the top rung?

Ask the Readers: What's the Most Extreme Thing You've Done to Save Money?

Tell us about the most extreme thing you've done to save money and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

10 Difficult Jobs That Are Worth the Effort

The hours are long, the work is hard, and in some cases, the pay is low. Find out why these demanding jobs are worth your while.

This Interview Technique Will Get You Hired

Don't let your next job interview become another tale about the one that got away. Use this key technique to present the most employable you.

Watch All The Documentary Movies You Can Handle, Free Online - And Yes, It's Legal.

So you love watching movies for free, and you also love getting instant access to them. Well, if those movies happen to be documentaries, there is a great free online resource for

23 Frugal Living Resolutions Anyone Can Master

As the Champagne pops and the confetti flies, why not make some resolutions you can really keep this year?

Are We Headed Toward a Bull or Bear Market?

The stock market's movements are anybody's guess, but a few key factors can hint at either a bull or a bear.

10 Jobs That Robots Can't Do, Yet

It seems like every day, robots take over more jobs. But for now, these career fields are safe.

Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Work in Your Downtime

Working in your downtime isn't just a drag — it's dangerous to your health and wellbeing.

Why It Pays to Wait Before Applying for a New Rewards Card

Before a sweet perk convinces you to apply for another rewards credit card, you might want to wait for some even better ones.

Build a Cable to Control Your Android Phone While You Drive

The music app on my Nexus One starts and stops randomly when a standard stereo plug is plugged into the 3.5mm headphone jack. I did a bit of research and decided that I could solve

7 Ways a Mindfulness Journal Can Fix Your Life

Believe it or not, self-awareness is power. And a mindfulness journal can help you harness that power.

Bigger Paycheck or Bigger Tax Refund — Which Should You Pick?

Usually planning your taxes for a small refund is best, but not always. Analyze your money psychology and your spending to make the right choice.

6 Cool Jobs for Retirees

Working in retirement is a reality for many. But the right gig can be a fun and rewarding way to earn cash in your golden years.

25 Great Gifts for $5 or Less

Need some non-crafty, hardly homemade gift ideas, all for less than $5? Here are 25 with something suitable for nearly everyone on your gift list.

Camping for a Week Is Only $160 at These National Parks

You'd think camping at one of our nation's great National Parks would be be pricey. Find out how affordable a week really is.

The 5 Best Memory Foam Mattress Toppers

Getting a good night's sleep isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these memory foam mattress toppers and you'll be able to catch all the z's.

6 Money Moves to Make When You Move Back Home With Your Parents

A huge percentage of Millennials move back home with Mom and Dad. These money moves will help them get their financial footing.