Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Flashback Friday: 62 Ways Introverts Tend to Win at Life

Introverts might seem like underdogs, but while the extroverts are busy soaking up the spotlight, it's those watchful wallflowers who are winning — quietly.

Emergency Plan: Better Than an Emergency Fund

This is broader than just an Emergency Fund; it's an Emergency Plan.

It's Sew Easy to Save

Always wanted to learn to sew? Now is the perfect time. It's simple to get started and can save you money, too. Here are some tips for savvy sewing and some easy projects to help y

Bicycling Safety in the City

My passion for bike riding and general common sense as a driver helped me navigate my town's busy streets and traffic clogged arteries. There were a few safety items I had to keep

25+ Easy Ways to Save Money But Still Get What You Want During Holiday Shopping

Ready to tackle your Christmas shopping but dreading the impending dent in your budget? Here are ways to save big and earn cash back on those gifts.

The 5 Best Exercise Mats

If you're looking to skip the gym and get fit at home, you need the right exercise mat. Try any of these five as part of your daily workout routine.

7 Questions a Potential Employer Cannot Ask You

No, this list does not include "tell me about a time you messed up at work and what you did to fix it." You have to answer that one.

5 Reasons You Shouldn't Buy a House (Yet)

You dream of kissing the renters' life goodbye, but not so fast. You might not be ready to be a homeowner just yet.

7 Ways to Boost Your Finances While You Sleep

Making a little extra money isn't too hard. In fact, you may not even need to get out of bed.

The Secret to Time Management and Work-Life Balance

If you want to be happy with your work-life balance, you might be surprised to discover it's about much more than how you manage your time.

The 5 Best Body Butters

Keeping your skin silky smooth isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these body butters and your bod will always look perfecto.

Ask the Readers: What Personal Finance Apps Do You Use?

Tell us about the personal finance apps that you use and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Lower Interest Rates with Credit Sesame and Lending Club

First I consolidated my credit cards using a service that barely changed my inflated interest rates. Then I got a better deal — here's how.

Mutual Funds for Wise Bloggers

I know that Wise Bloggers are smart readers, so you might already know everything there is to know about mutual funds. However I have come across many very smart people who don't a

16 Everyday Things You Shouldn't Be Paying For

If you're still shelling out for any of these 16 commonly free things, you're throwing your money away.

The 5 Best Windshield De-Icers

Keeping your windshield free of ice in the winter isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these windshield de-icers and your windshield will always be clear.

How Being Healthy Saves You Money (and Why Bad Health Habits Cost You)

You know you should have healthy habits, but they're hard to keep. But what if a healthy lifestyle could save you hundreds of dollars a year? Here's how.

8 Real Life Calamities That Can Drain Your Finances (Plus How to Defend Against Them)

Life is full of ups and downs. Sometime the downs take all your money along for the ride.

The 4 Myths of Buying in Bulk Dispelled

Here are the 4 misconceptions we typically attribute to bulk buying, and the truth for each.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Tips for a Frugal Valentine's Day?

Tell us your tips for a frugal Valentine's Day and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!