Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

So, You Think You're a Carnivore?

Does your voice get slightly deeper and more husky as you discuss the pleasure of biting into a medium-rare steak? Do you proudly declare that you could never be a vegetarian becau

5 Places to Travel While the Dollar Is Strong

A strong U.S. dollar means good-value vacations for the travel savvy. Here's where to go to let your dollar take your further.

These 10 Frugal Lunches Are Delicious Hot or Cold

Tired of hot lunch, when it's warmer outside? These lunches are versatile in temperature, and amazing in taste.

Millennial Millionaires: How the Brokest Generation Can Also Become the Richest

Young adults may be feeling the weight of student loans and low-income jobs, but they too can become millionaires by taking the right steps now.

Tips for Preventing Swine Flu Naturally

It is impossible to avoid coming into contact with the Swine Flu (H1N1), or any other strain of flu for that matter. Because it can take three days before germs entering your body

Uglify Your Stuff To Keep It Safe

I buy things based on how they look as well as what they do. But what attracts you to objects also attracts thieves. And so, has the time come to "uglify your stuff?"

The 5 Best Heart-Rate Monitors

Exercise is great for you body, but you may be working out too hard. These five heart-rate monitors will keep you from overworking your body.

6 Mistakes Parents of Teen Drivers Make

Is your teen about to hit the open road? Beware these common parenting mistakes.

Empty Coupon Code Box? You’re Paying Too Much.

If you're leaving the coupon code box blank when you buy something online, you're wasting money. Learn how to find online coupons and maximize their value.

8 Dangerous Mistakes Even Safe Drivers Make

Even good drivers can develop bad habits behind the wheel. Are you guilty of any of these common operator errors?

4 Mobile Phone Upgrades That Aren't Worth the Money

Many phone upgrade offers seem worthwhile at the store, but are usually a waste of money. We promise — you won't need them, so don't buy them!

6 Easy Ways to Improve Your Online Reputation

Go ahead, Google yourself. Whether you like the results or don't, you have to take steps to protect your online rep.

3 Ways to Finance a Tiny House

Tiny houses leave small footprints, but they are big trouble when it comes to finding financing. Here's where to look.

Alcohol is good for your heart

After quitting smoking, having one or two drinks a day is the best single thing you can do for your cardiovascular health. [more]

10 Pointless Fees That Are Sabotaging Your Budget

Just because you have been paying that fee doesn't mean you need to keep on paying it.

6 Extreme Job Interview Tactics That Worked

Get up and walk out of a job interview? Sure, that worked and so did these other insane interview tricks. How far will you go for a job?

How to Raise Your Kids to Be Financially Independent

What your kinds don't know about money can hurt your wallet. One parent shares the lesson plan he used to teach his kids financial independence.

Simplify budgeting with personal money

Many couples keep their finances partially (or even completely) separate. One big reason is that spending joint money on individual expenses can lead to disputes, and keeping sepa

25 Simple Recipes for 25 Delicious Veggies

Maybe your CSA box is overflowing, or maybe you're just mixing up your meal routine. Either way, find delicious preparations for your veggies right here.

4 Dumb Ways You Are Wasting Money Online

Online marketers are skilled at parting you from your money. Beware of these four marketing tricks — and learn how to defend your wallet from them.